Special Chapter: Norman Price and the Mystery in the Sky

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>Set before the batteries explode<

Nobody stopped me because everyone was too distracted by Tom, who suddenly appeared above us and radioed me that he wanted to fly me out to sea, but I was already at the ocean rescue center and jumped on Juno. The batteries in the pockets of my jacket were throbbing, pulsating and getting hotter, signaling their imminent end.

I made clear Juno was running on full throttle and just headed for the horizon. I groaned involuntarily as the heat from the batteries sunk into my skin through my jacket. A little further. Just a little more. But the heat became unbearable and I finally grabbed them and threw them far away from me, hoping it was far enough. First one, then the other, before I turned sharply and cranked Juno to full throttle again.

Only then did I realize that Pontypandy was no longer in sight. But was it far enough out?

I jumped as a deafening bang sounded behind me. I felt a tiny bit of water falling on me before the sea, churned up by the explosion, reached me in a swell that made it difficult for me to maintain control of Juno. But I succeeded and just a minute later the sea was as calm again as if nothing had ever happened. Only the cloud of green smoke behind me, which I saw as I now glanced over my shoulder, would bear witness for a few more minutes to what had almost happened to Pontypandy.

My heart pounded as I realized how close it had been. I felt myself starting to shake. The adrenaline slowly faded. The coast slowly appeared on the horizon in front of me and I heard over the radio Penny calling my name in relief.

I smiled and breathed an equal sigh of relief. Everything would be fine now. The hustle and bustle was over.

I drove Juno into it's bay, where Ben was waiting for me and gave me a pat on the shoulder before taking Juno from me and sending me out to listen to the city's praises.

Confused, I followed his request and handed him the life jacket before taking the elevator up and went out.

Everyone immediately rushed towards me. Charlie, the twins and Bronwyn hugged me and told me how worried they had been about me and how happy about I had come back safely. Just like everyone else around us.

I just didn't see Penny among them. I desperately tried to catch a glimpse of her through all the people and finally succeeded. Our eyes met and as serious as her look was, a relieved smile appeared on her face. But only for a brief moment. Then she turned around and someone was blocking my view again.

When everyone had calmed down and I was able to free myself from the group, I saw Jupiter standing at the end of the street and heard Ellie calling to Penny that the last of the fire had now been put out.

I went to them as they were collecting the tubes and all three praised me for my efforts. How fast the bush drums beat in this city.

Only Penny didn't say a word and also avoided looking at me. She literally avoided me and when it came to driving back to the station, she naturally got behind Jupiter's steering wheel, so I had to take Elvis back to the station in the Sam...in Venus. Her pensive mood bothered me more than I showed or wanted to admit.

At the station, Steele had already heard about my action and greeted me with euphoria. Here too, Penny did not join in the emerging conversation, preferring instead to roll out two hoses and fill the water tanks of Venus and Jupiter.

When I finally managed to free myself from Steele, Penny was gone and Ellie was monitoring the gauge on Jupiter's tank.

"Hey, Ellie. Where's Penny?"

"I have no idea, Sam. She asked me to take over here and disconnected the hose on Venus. I haven't seen her since."

"Weird," I muttered to myself before thanking Ellie and heading off to find Penny. I couldn't find her in the entire building. So I expanded my search to the yard, but she wasn't there either. Had she gone home? But we were still on duty. That wouldn't be like her at all.

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