13-24 Calendar Challenge

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I had stayed at Penny's for the second night in a row and I was really getting used to it. I slept better than ever and her house was cozy and secluded. The only thing you could hear out here were the crickets chirping in the meadows behind the house if you left the window open. It was just peaceful and I finally understood why Penny had chosen this one out of all the houses that were for sale at the time she had looked for one.

But the best part of all was falling asleep with Penny in my arms. It was just wonderful and I never wanted to be without her again. I was even starting to get used to feeling like I was being watched every night, thanks to Penny's poster that she had hung right on the wall across from the bed. The poster of my last film and it was really more than just strange staring at myself every night.

I absolutely had to do something about it. Something that would convince her to take down the poster. Maybe a photo of the two of us together in a frame the same size? I could live with that and at the station there were quite a few saved in a folder on the computer because Steele had instructed Arnold to save all the pictures that had been taken of us and the vehicles during exercises and operations. He always thought an archive was important to record memories for posterity. Well, now it would be of use to me.

Penny had today off to make up for the fact that Station Officer Steele had called her in yesterday and therefore canceled half of her day off. I had no idea what Penny was up to today. Yesterday she had made a vegetable casserole that I always enjoyed eating, as she had previously made it on Elvis' days off at the station. Afterwards, much to my delight, there was the desert waiting for me, that she had made for my birthday party too and which tasted just as divine as the last time.

During the meal, while Radar was once again restlessly wandering around, she had remarked that she definitely wanted to use the free time the next day to go shopping. She left the house with me this morning and, to my surprise, took Radar with her. It wasn't that Penny didn't like him. On the contrary. But she never bothered to take the Dalmatian home with her, like Elvis and I did. Whatever the reason, Radar still usually chose me.

Sarah and Mandy were already waiting for me at the station and greeted me cheerfully while they were already preparing buckets of water and leaves - what were they planning to do with them? Ellie was pushing the fan out of the hall that we actually used to blow smoke out of houses when I greeted her briefly and promised to join them as soon as I was changed.

When I returned, to my delight, they were already in the middle of shooting Ellie on Mercury. It looked like I could really get around it today and I didn't even have to ask her. Had Penny written a message to her? However it happened, I decided to encourage her by praising her and reassuring her that this was what a true action hero looked like.

But in the end I couldn't help but put on the ocean rescue uniform to pose for photos with Ellie in the Hoovercraft too. But I would do almost anything for the children - even making a fool of myself again. We came pretty close to that again because the two girls wanted it to be as realistic as possible and again implemented this with the use of the wind machine, water and leaves.

Nevertheless, there came a mission, what didn't surprise me, since Sergeant Ravani had caused half the city to be in turmoil again with the photo competition.

This time it was Miss Chen who had been blown out to sea on Ben's surfskate, but we quickly rescued her with the Hoovercraft before she could crash into the buoy. The surfboard, on the other hand, could no longer be saved, even if Ben could retrieve it from the bottom of the sea given the force with that it had hit the buoy.

When we got back to the station and parked the trailer with the Hoovercraft next to the hall, I left Ellie to park Jupiter while I went back to Mandy and Sarah, who were looking at Mandy's cell phone and obviously talking about today's photos. I thought about that horrible poster on Penny's wall and who could help me better than these two?

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