Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

"I will take responsibility for you."

Ning Jiao: "...No, Sir, I... that..."

She spoke halfway, only to feel her brain throbbing as if cut by a knife, and she could only grit her teeth and cover her head.

Ning Jiao squinted, still able to see the puzzled expression on the golden-haired marshal's face.

He subconsciously reached out towards her, and Ning Jiao instinctively tried to dodge his hand.

In an instant, she saw a fleeting look of disappointment on the marshal's face.

So, in the next moment, Ning Jiao firmly grasped his hand, and under the man's slightly surprised gaze, she weakly said, "Sir, shouldn't I be the one to say that...?"

As soon as she said this, she lowered her head and saw the distinct joints on the man's hand. Then, almost instantly, Ning Jiao remembered what had happened last night, after her suppressant bracelet had been shattered...

The cold atmosphere in the room disappeared almost immediately, replaced by sparks of AO pheromones that seemed almost tangible in the air.

Ning Jiao's brain quickly raced to an uncontrollable scenario and... owed.

She clung to her last vestiges of rationality, biting her lower lip hard as she staggered back and didn't forget to pull the blanket on the bed.

Ning Jiao had full trust in the bed's built-in heating function, and now, all she needed to do was keep herself as far away as possible from this Omega in heat...

Then, in the next second, her wrist was seized by someone.

Without exaggeration, in that moment, Ning Jiao's hair stood on end.

She was certain that her smiling face from that moment looked even worse than crying, and she slowly lifted her head to meet the gaze of the golden-haired marshal.


In an instant, she was pulled onto the bed by the force gripping her wrist, and in the blink of an eye, their positions were reversed.

The man's shoulders were incredibly broad, and at this moment, they seemed to cast a complete shadow, enveloping her entirely.

Ning Jiao swallowed hard, one of her hands tightly held by the man. She tried to struggle but found that she couldn't match the Omega's strength.

—He really is an assertive Omega.

She could only look up helplessly, staring into the still-clear eyes under the dim light. Her mind went blank, and she heard herself asking, "Sir, would you like to take the initiative?"

Zhao Hezhi: "..."

Ning Jiao: "..."

It's not surprising that Ning Jiao would blurt out such bold words. In fact, right now, her nose was filled with the seductive scent of pomegranates.

She cursed herself for never finding pomegranates particularly fragrant, while reluctantly reaching out with her free hand to touch the man's waist. "Just calm down..."

But just as Ning Jiao's fingertips were about to touch the man's waist, Zhao Hezhi suddenly went limp and fell toward her.

Ning Jiao felt like she was about to suffer internal injuries.

She really didn't expect the man's waist to be so sensitive. Her intention was just to help him get out of their awkward position, but now...

It became even more awkward.

After Agreeing To Marry The Marshal [Female A Male O] ChatGPTWhere stories live. Discover now