Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

To capture an Omega's heart, one must first capture their stomach.

Ning Jiao had understood this principle long ago. However, at this moment, her efforts in the kitchen weren't for Zhao Marshal, the Omega, but for herself...

Goodness, she hadn't eaten anything since last night until now!

With the permission of "Abigail," Ning Jiao borrowed the mansion's kitchen. After inspecting the immaculate freezer, cleaner than her own face, she teared up while frying two sunny-side-up eggs.

Abigail, watching Ning Jiao busily handling seasoning ingredients, couldn't help but be curious.

"Miss Ning, the Marshal has already prepared nutritional supplements for you."

Ning Jiao replied with a fake smile, "I'm not used to nutritional supplements."

She was joking. If she were a native of this empire, she might have accepted them. But after living a normal life on Blue Star for many years, how could she consider those jelly-like, tasteless nutritional supplements as a proper meal?

Ning Jiao controlled the heat and, once the egg yolks had just congealed but weren't overcooked, she quickly took them out.

Eating two sunny-side-up eggs with purified water, Ning Jiao seemed to be enjoying herself immensely.

As she ate, she had the leisure to glance at the closed door on the second floor.

Ning Jiao asked, "Can we order delivery here?"


Zhao Hezhi was lured to open his door by an unusual aroma of food.

As he opened the door, he noticed that the door to the adjacent room was wide open, yet the woman who should have been inside was nowhere to be seen.

Zhao Hezhi almost instinctively paused for a moment.

He could understand that even though she had agreed to stay temporarily, if she wanted to leave, it was completely reasonable.

He had no reason to restrict her freedom of movement.

Zhao Hezhi blinked calmly but involuntarily touched the back of his neck.

That area had been completely numb, but now, it seemed to carry some faint soreness.

He furrowed his brow but remained composed as he slowly descended the stairs.

Due to the long-term closed curtains inside the villa, he had gradually lost a precise sense of time. Now, looking at the floating clock in the main hall, he realized...


A girl's voice, tinged with a hint of playful complaint, sounded.

"Have you ascended to become an immortal? That's why you're not eating?"


Ning Jiao rested her chin on her hand, looking at Zhao Hezhi who was eating slowly in front of her with a playful smile.

Initially, she started cooking because she was picky about her own food. However, gradually, she found joy in cooking and ended up thoroughly enjoying eating her own food, especially when shared with others.

She had never expected Zhao Hezhi to be one of those people.

His soft golden hair and the way he used chopsticks at this moment almost made him seem like a gentle professor, far from the image of a Marshal who could conquer the world with a wave of his hand.

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