Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Ning Jiao anxiously watched the clock in front of her.

The time had sluggishly crawled to eleven o'clock.

Usually at this time, even if Zhao Hezhi hadn't arrived home yet, he should be on his way back.

Moreover, considering his habit of greeting her morning and night like clockwork, he shouldn't...

Ning Jiao furrowed her brow, looking at the message she had sent to him through her smartbrain ten minutes ago:

"Are you back?"

Now, that message remained unread.

Ning Jiao took a deep breath, unable to resist checking the information she had recently acquired. After a precise search of the three consorts and five close courtiers suspected to be involved in this matter, she found no clues about the person seen in the surveillance footage. Just as she was starting to doubt whether the facial recognition system had failed, results suddenly appeared.

Ning Jiao opened it with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

The Queen Consort, with her gentle and dignified demeanor, was smiling at her.

Ning Jiao:...

What did they say about a wolf in sheep's clothing? This Queen Consort looked like a perfectly crafted paper doll on the surface but was hiding a dark side.

Ning Jiao was shocked and made sure several times that the identification was accurate. She sighed deeply, planning to share this information with Zhao Hezhi once he returned.

However, this wait turned out to be over an hour long.

Ning Jiao's limbs had gone stiff. Just as she was considering getting up from her seat to do some stretching exercises, she finally heard the door lock click.

She practically jumped off her chair and rushed from the kitchen to the entrance.

The person who had arrived was indeed Zhao Hezhi. He had changed out of his morning video-call military uniform and now wore a tailored coat. His golden hair still had traces of frost from the night wind.

Upon hearing her voice, Zhao Hezhi looked at her.

The moment he saw her, the corners of the golden-haired Omega's lips unconsciously curled up. He sounded tired, but his gaze remained gentle as he said:

"Haven't you gone to sleep yet?"

Ning Jiao had initially wanted to urgently share the information she had found with him. However, when she saw the smile on his face, she suddenly felt an unexplainable reluctance.

She sighed, feigning exhaustion, "Aren't you unable to sleep without me?"

Thanks to her emotion-sensing implant, she could perceive that Zhao Hezhi was different from his usual self today. Although he was as tired as ever, there was an additional layer of melancholy in his emotions.

Yet, on the surface, the tall and lean man simply lowered his head gently to look at her. Upon hearing her words, he appeared slightly surprised as he replied, "I'll try to come back earlier next time."

Ning Jiao didn't press him for more information. Instead, she casually extended her hand and said, "Can I have a hug?"

Zhao Hezhi blinked, looking at the girl who was smiling with her eyes. Even if he racked his brain, he couldn't come up with a reason to refuse.

So, after a brief pause, he simply extended his hand, allowing the dark-haired girl to hug him tightly.

Even though there was a significant height difference between them, making Ning Jiao almost stand on her toes to reach his neck, her embrace felt reassuring.

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