Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

Ning Jiao didn't sleep very soundly that night.

She tossed and turned in her dreams, sometimes dreaming of the feverish golden-haired Marshal she had first encountered, and at other times, she dreamt of the clear-headed version of him, tugging at her sleeve with a sorrowful expression.

"Why did you abandon me?"

In her heart, Ning Jiao wondered why she would ever abandon such a good-looking and handsome Omega. But before she could respond to this misunderstanding with empathy and reason, she woke up.

Ning Jiao stared blankly at the ordinary ceiling of the Marshal's residence, but she couldn't shake the image of the tearful Zhao Hezhi from her dream.

Ning Jiao: "...Darn."

She got up as if in a daze, went to the bathroom to freshen up, and kept thinking about the Omega from her dream. She couldn't help but admit that if it were any other face, she would have cursed him as a scheming Omega. But when it came to Zhao Hezhi's face...

Ning Jiao: Big brother, you're so handsome when you cry. I want to make you cry.

Realizing her wicked thoughts, Ning Jiao almost choked on her mouthwash. She coughed for a while before finally blushing and leaving the bathroom.

Due to her expected stay here, Ning Jiao had already placed orders for new clothes yesterday. However, today, she decided to wear the bathrobe prepared for her by Zhao Hezhi.

But there was still a hint of strategy in her choice.

The bathrobe was the same coffee color as Zhao Hezhi's – a couple's set!

Satisfied, she put on the bathrobe and prepared to make breakfast in the kitchen.

As an outstanding graduate of the culinary department, she was determined to capture the Omega's heart...

However, when she opened the door, she found the neighboring door already ajar.

Without an invitation from the host, Ning Jiao naturally didn't enter. But it was clear that Zhao Hezhi had already woken up.

Ning Jiao licked her lips, ran her fingers through her black hair, and then headed downstairs.

The aroma of toasting bread filled her nostrils.

She stared in a daze at the kitchen, where the Omega in the coffee-colored bathrobe was busy.

He placed slices of bread one by one into the toaster but stood frowning at the instruction manual, puzzled.

Ning Jiao didn't want to disturb him, so she quietly stood behind the man and watched him intently.

It must be said that this Marshal seemed to possess an almost imperceptible charm that emerged in unexpected ways.

—He was studying a toaster as if he were solving the most complicated problem of the century.

Upon making this adorable discovery, Ning Jiao's steps became lighter. Finally, when he seemed to hit a roadblock, she approached quickly.

"Good morning."

He looked up at her with a surprised expression. "Good morning."

Ning Jiao beamed and took the initiative. "Would you like some toast for breakfast?"

Zhao Hezhi hesitated for a moment but then said, "...Yes."

Ning Jiao didn't notice the subtle change in his expression. She confidently moved closer and stood by his side, navigating through the multitude of buttons on the toaster.

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