Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"How do I look?"

Abigail's personified voice sincerely praised, "You look perfect, Ning Jiao."

Ning Jiao nodded in satisfaction and then sighed, "Abigail, you have no idea what I've been through this week."

There was a pause on Abigail's side for a few seconds before she said, "Ning Jiao, these days of interaction with His Lordship have indeed brought some changes to your life, but I believe..."

Ning Jiao completed her sentence expressionlessly, "To fit into this dress, I even went on a week-long diet of nutrient supplements!"

At seven in the evening, Ning Jiao promptly stepped out of her room in her gown, but Zhao Hezhi's door was tightly closed.

In the past week, apart from Ning Jiao enduring daily torment of nutrient supplements and grueling workouts, Zhao Hezhi had also been overwhelmingly busy due to the sudden pile-up of work.

Forget about eagerly looking forward to meeting his younger brother, even a proper meeting with Zhao Hezhi himself had been a rare occurrence. If you calculated it carefully, within a week, the two of them had only had one decent encounter.

During that encounter, Ning Jiao seized the opportunity to express her gratitude for the gown set, and Zhao Hezhi responded somewhat casually with a "As long as you like it."

Now, Ning Jiao stood at his tightly closed door, hesitated for a moment, and finally knocked, saying, "I'm leaving."

She remained silent for a few seconds, somewhat surprised that she didn't get a response.

Ning Jiao instinctively touched the restraint bracelet she had put back on her wrist.

However, with time pressing, she couldn't wait any longer and made her way downstairs.

The hovercar was waiting at the villa's entrance, and Ning Jiao took a few deep breaths of the outdoor air before entering. Although Zhao Hezhi hadn't restricted her movements, her time at the mansion had inadvertently brought out her long-forgotten homebody tendencies.

Inside the Zhao Residence, Miss Ning naturally found everything she needed, and she was more than happy to stay within its walls.

She bent down and got into the hovercar, instinctively adjusted the mirror to observe her collarbone.

After confirming her satisfaction, Ning Jiao nodded in approval. It was also the perfect time to arrive at the venue.


Assisted by a waiter, Ning Jiao lifted her gown's hem and entered the ceremony hall. She immediately heard a cheerful voice.

The next moment, her hand was held by the newcomer, who wore a bright and joyful smile.

"It's been so long!"

The newcomer was Ning Jiao's close friend, Frances. She and Ning Jiao were part of the high-society elite and were known for their extravagant lifestyles. In recent years, Frances had also fallen victim to arranged marriages. Additionally, she was Ning Jiao's classmate from the military academy.

"I heard you're getting engaged?"

Ning Jiao, who was slightly shorter than Frances, looked shocked.

"No, how did you..."

Frances tenderly held Ning Jiao's face and said, "It seems the rumors are true. My dear, you've lost weight!"

Ning Jiao felt helpless and tried to explain on behalf of her Supreme Commander, but when she lifted her head, she saw the blond man standing in the distance.

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