Chapter 10

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I got up the next morning at the sound of my phone ringing. I look at the caller I.D. It's Ed.

"Hey." I say groggily.

"Hey, how you doing?" He asks.

"Good." I say laying back down with my eyes closed.

"Me and Soph are having a barbecue this weekend, think you could come by and hang around?" He asks.

"Sure, yeah. I'll be there." I say tiredly, and hang up.

I turn back over and fall back asleep. After about half an hour my alarm goes off. I sit up and rub my eyes. I sit there for a few minutes before getting up and getting dressed, half asleep. I put my hair up and get my things and head out of the door. I drive to HQ and get inside. I get on the treadmill and start jogging really slow with my eyes closed. I'm really tired, a night of tossing and turning didn't help the day. As everyone comes in, I just ignore them and try to pick up the speed. I get off the treadmill an hour into the running and splash water on my face, in an attempt to wake myself up. I go back out and just decide to wrestle around with Spike before the alarm goes off. I get dressed just as Sam walks in. He walks past me without a hello and I happen to catch a whiff of perfume.I can't help but get angry.

I shouldn't care. I mean I'm the one who broke up with him. I shouldn't be this angry though. I mean he's allowed to see other people. We we're together for a month, even though it was the best month of my life, we've been broke off for 2 months. He has the right to see other people. We both are. Maybe I should to get my mind off him. I get into the truck with and , put my mic in, looking out the window, trying not to look at his face.

"Okay Winnie what do we have?" Boss asks.

"Civilian report of a bank truck being robbed. The company calls the truck every 15 to assure they're okay, they're not responding, they're supposed to call here, it's protocol." Winnie explains.

"Alright we'll check it out." Ed says.

"739 West Ave." Winnie says.

"That's a narrow street." Sam says.

"Sam and Sarah take east street, Wordy and I will take west street." Ed says.

"Copy that." Sam says as Ed turns off behind us. We see the truck and some people getting in it and start to drive up and get out but they drop smoke bombs on us.

"We're blind." Sam says. "They're dropping smoke bombs on us."

We go to get out but they start shooting the roof of the truck. I try to look around trying to see anything. I fail.

"They have to be shooting from above." I say.

"Jules get to the roof." Ed says. We get the shields out of the back and get out, covering our heads.

"There's no one here." Sam say, jumping out of the truck. "But they blew into the case and took the money."

I get in and look around. "They used C4 to blow into it, they damaged some money but still took enough."

"We need to find out who these guys are." I say, jumping out. The shots stop and I put my shield down.

"Sir, can you tell me what happened?" I ask one of the drivers of the truck.

"We were parked in the middle of street after getting the rest of the money and a cop came over and asked me to move, so I got ready too when the cop pulls a gun and tells us to get out and then these other two people come and break into the back and blow it up and take the money and I couldn't see after that." He explains.

Triggerfinger (Flashpoint fanfic)(EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now