Chapter 22

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"No you have to go!" I yelled at Sam. "Do you want me to throw up all over a cashier?"

"Fine do you want me to get some bubble wrap and uh tea?"

"Bubble wrap?" I chuckle. "You're funny."

"I could really use the tea." Sam chuckles before leaving.

I sit down beside the toilet and hold my face in my hands. I'm going to have to get out of work, tell everyone, its just so complicated to have a kid. I would love to have one though. I wash my mouth out before laying back down in the bed. Sam comes back a little while later, carrying 5 or 6 bags.

"I didn't know what kind to get so I just got a lot." He dumps out a bunch of pregnancy tests.

"Jesus Sam." I laugh before grabbing three boxes and going to the bathroom.

*15 minutes later*




"Sam!" I yell. He barges and looks at the tests. He looks shocked for a second before giving me a tight hug and laughing.

"We're having a baby!" He squeals.

I laugh and sit down on the bed. It's Thursday, I'm supposed to fly to Vegas tomorrow and meet Reid. I haven't even told Sam yet.

"Hey uh Sam." I call.

"Yeah?" He smiles from the bathroom.

"I'm taking this weekend off and I'm going to Vegas." I say quickly.

"What? Why didn't you tell me? I could have packed." He says.

"I'm going to see Reid.." I say quietly.

"Oh of course." He rolls his eyes. "Have fun."

He slams the door and leaves. I rolls my eyes and instead of chuckling about it, I cry. Damn hormones. I packed my clothes, sobbing over my suitcase, throwing clothes into it. I finished packing and took a shower and laid down in my bed and try to get some sleep. I cry myself to sleep that night.

I woke up early that morning and get dressed in some jeans and a hoodie, putting my converse on and putting my hair in a braid. I do some light makeup and pack my last minute things before packing them into my car before driving to the airport. I go through all the complicated things before going finally boarding the plane. I sit down in a window seat and pull out a book, I really need to catch up on my reading. I used to read all the time, I used to have bookshelves and more bookshelves of books. I was in the middle of reading when someone sits beside me. I look up at a young boy around the age of 5 or 6.

"Hi little one, where's your mommy?" I ask after a few minutes. He just ignores me and leaves. I furrow my eyebrows and go back to my book. After a few hours we land and I get my things and get off. I go into the airport and see Reid standing there awkwardly. I jog over to him and drop my bags before giving him a tight hug. He laughs and hugs me back.

"Hey you." He smiles.

"Hey yourself pretty boy." I laugh. He picks up one of my bags and starts carrying them outside to the car. We get into the car and soon we get to a hotel, we carry our things up and sit down on the bed. I lay back on the bed and close my eyes.

"C'mon sleepyhead let's go get something to eat." Reid pokes my side. I laugh and sit up.

"I'm not hungry right now." I pout.

Triggerfinger (Flashpoint fanfic)(EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now