Chapter 21

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"What the hell is this?"

I push him outside the door and push him against the wall.

"You blow the Team and I off for these...people?" He spits.

"These people saved my life." I growl. "Go home and when you decide to be reasonable we'll talk."

His eyes change from angry to sad. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah." I say and turn to go back into the door but he grabs my hand. "Hey, talk to me."

"When my dad was dead and the killer was out there, I tried to kill myself, Spencer saved me." I say. He lets go of my hand.

"You said these people, not Spencer." He says, anger rising again.

"Dammit Sam we're just friends." I shout.

"We started out as 'just friends' too." He says and walks away. I grit my teeth together before going back inside and sitting on the couch beside Reid.

"Everything okay?" Reid asks.

"Yeah just a jealous boyfriend of mine, nothing unusual." I say.

"Oh boyfriend eh?" Morgan looks at Reid.

"Uh yeah." I smile.

"Spill all the details." Garcia says.

"Okay uh, I met Sam when I got on the Team and I didn't have a place here yet, so he let me stay with him. One thing led to another and we were together, but I got shot and everyone found out about us, so I called it off, I got back on the Team and soon we had moved on. I met an old friend named Matt." I take a deep breath. "We were a good couple, a great one, but Sam was always on my mind, so soon he broke up with me. I went home and h-he was waiting there for me."

Reid takes my hand. "He snapped on us and h-he h-hit me." I take another deep breath.

"One thing leads to another and I ruined his career. Then we had a psych eval at work and they were brutal over Sam, so instead of pushing away our feelings, we embraced them, but secretly. But when Matt got out, he uh- he killed everyone close to me. He got to Sam and I freaked, I pissed him off, I almost lost my job by killing him, but Ed stopped me. Sam is jealous because of pretty boy here." I nudge Reid.

"He's got them good looks now." Morgan smile.

"I'll agree." I smirk.

"Well we better get going." Morgan says as they exit the door. Reid stands up and turns the radio on,a familiar song comes on and he smiles he walks over to me and puts his hand out, "May I have this dance?"

"No." I say. "Just kidding yes you may."

I slip my fingers into his hand and he pulls me up. I smile and put one hand in his and the other on his shoulder. He puts one of my waist and looks into my eyes.

All my thoughts just seem to settle on the breeze

When I'm lying wrapped up in your arms

The whole world just fades away

The only thing I hear

Is the beating of your heart

I wrap both of my arms around his neck and move closer putting my face on his chest. He wraps his arms around his waist and I can feel his smile on my head.

Cause I can feel you breathe

It's washing over me

Suddenly I'm melting into you

Triggerfinger (Flashpoint fanfic)(EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now