Chapter 23

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My pager was in my room, my mom brought it out. Sam and I give each other annoyed looks and we pull everyone back together.

"Well, today was fun, thank you all for being here but..duty calls." I laugh and everyone crowds out and I drive to Sam and I's house, my apartment is not my apartment anymore. I change and we go to the station. We don't even have any time to work out. We get our gear on and get right back into the trucks.

"Bomb threat, 911 found a mysterious box in their technical room, one of them went to go reboot their network, found wires and a beeping box." Winnie says.

"Get your girlfriend ready." I laugh at Spike.

We get to the 911 headquarters and Spike defuses the bomb. But while he's doing that we get another bomb threat, but that one blows up, we get down there as fast as possible and we start helping people, we get more and more threats, making us panic. We're all good, making good time, until I find out that there's a daycare in there.

"I can't get in there." Ed says.

"I can." I say. "Let me do it."

"No." Sam says.

"Yes, I can." I say, taking my gun off. He grabs my arm.


"Sam are you teammate or my husband right now?" I snatch my arm away.

He gives me a dirty look and I climb through the hole and get almost all the way through when something catches my leg, I scream out in pain and start to move.

"Sarah!" Sam yells.

"I'm okay." I yell back and continue through. I get to the end and see a bunch of kids and one adult, one kid is under a large amount of debris. I get up and help the teacher gather all the okay kids in a corner while I help the kid underneath a rock. I check his vitals and everything was okay.

"Hi honey, can you tell me your name?" I ask softly.

"Alex." He says.

"Well Alex I'm gonna get you outta here." I smile, moving some hair out of his face.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"My name's Sarah." I smile.

"Do you wanna see how strong I am?" I smile and put the jack underneath the rock. "This is my friend Jack."

He smiles tiredly. "Can you feel your toes?"

He nods. "I can move this rock with my strong friend." I move the jack up and get Alex out.

"Alright tell me your name." I say to the teacher.

"Linda." She says.

"Okay Linda I need you to take the rope and make sure they all have a loop, we're going to crawl through there." I point at the hole underneath the debris. She does as I say and we tie Alex to the end and we get them out. I carry some of the kids out and we finish here. We get several more bomb threats and Spike finds an address, I get my ankle wrapped and I follow to the address, I find some papers inside and a map to where the bombs have been placed. We all split up while I get more information on this guy. I find out about him and things add up to a guy with an address, so they send Team Four, Donna's team. They get there and press him for information but he just keeps staring off into the distance when Donna looks up, there's a camera with a beeping light.

"Donna get out of there!" Boss yells and she turns to run away but it blows up instead.

Dean is at the station, he's a good kid. No one's been able to find Clark, so Ed goes to find him, turns out he's in the parking garage of City Hall trapped underneath some rubble in his car. Ed goes to find him, with Donna's death fresh in his mind, he was closest to her. It's a pretty bad thing to get married and go straight to work. I have a small "baby bump" it's tiring already. I can't sleep on my stomach or my back, which I usually sleep on my stomach or my back.

Triggerfinger (Flashpoint fanfic)(EDITING!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon