Chapter 16

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I sit down in my car, putting my head on the steering wheel. How could I be so stupid? I should have known that we had a girlfriend. I mentally slap myself. Natalie. That's who he was talking about. I look at my pager and see a 10-33 plastered across the tiny screen. Officer down. I drive up to the station as quickly as possible, considering that I have red puffed up lips and maybe a red neck, I go up to the desk, where everyone else is gathered, Sam coming up behind me.

"Winnie what's going on?" I ask.

"We've got an SRU officer down." She says.

"Who?" I ask. I look around and see the only person that isn't here. Then it clicks.

"It's Ed." I say.

"Yeah it's Ed." Boss says and comes up behind us.

"We're going to the hospital, get a description, and we'll find this guy." Boss says.

"Team One is cleared for duty for now. I'll be watching and listening." Doc says.

We all get dressed and leave to get in the car, I get in the car with Spike, avoiding Sam. Everyone's quiet the entire time, no one you can hear breathing. We get to the and go inside, we find Ed in a room, pale and breathing unevenly.

"Ed, hey buddy." Boss says.

He has a bandage around his arms on both sides and ice on his chest. The nurse comes in, I pull her to the side.

"What's going on with him?" I ask.

"He's been shot 7 times, 4 hit his vest, 3 hit his arms, one in his muscle it's torn, one in his wrist in the bone, and one on his other forearm, hitting the forearm. If he moves a lot there could be permanent damage." She says.

"Soph." Ed says.

"His wife's in labor." I say.

Ed gets up and tries to move.

"Ed you can't move." I say.

"Nurse, I wasn't here for my son's birth. I need to be here for my daughters." He says.

"Okay." She says and gets him a wheelchair. They carry him upstairs and we all get back in our trucks.

"Okay we've got a white male, brown hair, driving a silver sedan, license plate number 34SI79." Boss says.

"Running it now." Spike says, getting into Boss' truck, I get in the truck with Sam. I don't cut my mic off so he doesn't say anything. We follow the car to a military base where two military officers just got shot. We go inside and get intake on the officers, Sam is beside me.

"Sarah can we talk?" He asks.

"Don't worry about it Sam, I apologize, I didn't even think to ask if you were seeing someone." I apologize.

"No Sarah, that was Natalie." He says.

"She seems really nice." I say.

"My sister." He says. "Natalie."

"Right. Natalie." I mentally slap myself, I've heard him talk about her before.

"She showed up last night, she's gonna crash with me for a little while, personal reasons." He says.

"Maybe it's for the best." I say.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

I walk up to the guys as they talk to everyone. They get the intake on this guy and we go to the address where he lives.

Triggerfinger (Flashpoint fanfic)(EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now