Part XV

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When Gillian groggily awoke the following morning after her reality check with Kella, Malik was no where in sight. Thankfully so. His presence was bound to ignite something horrible within her.

From the moment she opened her eyes, she wanted to see Billie's face or hear her voice. Anything that reminded her of Billie would suffice. But, Gillian felt she had no right to demand even a simple "hey" from her, especially when she still had yet to cut ties between her and Malik.

Gillian remembered the hopelessness on her face, the emptiness of her tone as she begged to be chosen. Immediately, she truly feared the possibility of losing her. Gilly was unsure about a plethora of things, but Billie was not one of them.

The last thing she wants is to create a crack in the foundation of their relationship just because she can't seem to liberate herself from Malik.

The night before, Kella told her "the decision is hard, but the choice is easy" and Gillian understood that more now than ever.

The doorknob twisted around 11:00 later that day, Elias was sound asleep, and Gillian listened to the constant tick of the hanging clock with the utmost amount of anticipation.

He locked the door behind him and threw his gum bag on the floor beside his feet. Gillian put down her phone and stood up straight, no longer leaning over the counter.

"We need to talk."

"About what?" Malik mumbled, kneeling down and untying his shoes.

"You know what."

Malik glared up at the woman he once adored and sucked his teeth, shaking his head. "It's her, isn't it?"

When he did not receive an answer he asked again, "Isn't it? Just say it, G."

"It's not about her. It's us. That's what we need to talk about."

Malik scoffed, "So I'm right, huh? You got some problems at home and now you start fucking bitches?"

"The fuck are you talking about? I said this isn't about her."

"It is. You found her and now you wanna stop messing with me."

Gillian could feel the contempt boiling through her veins. "Nigga are you stupid? Even if I never met her, our relationship would still be fucked up. I can't do this anymore." She gestured between the two of them. "We don't work."

Now that her nerves were rising and her anger was beginning to peak, breaking up with him seemed incredibly easy. The words poured out without much hesitation.

"It don't work because you don't put in any effort. I swear all you fuckin' do is go out and get lit while I watch our son." He spat.

"Don't even lie like that, Malik. I wish you'd stop making me feel like shit for trying to go out and enjoy myself every now and then. Don't I deserve a break?"

"A break from what, G? Tell me?" His voice rose in volume and Gillian's heart skipped a few beats.

"Can you be quiet? Eli." She reminded, trying her best to keep the peace as much as possible.

Unfortunately, Malik was a naturally hotheaded.

"Fuck that," He yelled, wiping the contents off the kitchen counter, his anger getting the best of him. "He knows already. He'll be aight."

Gillian didn't know whether his heart was hurt or his ego was simply bruised at the thought of her with someone else.

She stared hard at him, shaking her head and wondering where the person she used to know went.

What You're Worth // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now