Chapter 5

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Millie's Pov

Office life is pretty boring. Although, I scan the official website very often, there is no virus. Even if the official website had a virus, my staff would handle it. I stand up from my chair and head to the elevator. I press the down button and the elevator door open.

I get inside the elevator just to find a bunch of staff behind me. When the elevator stops at lobby, the door open and I head outside. I go outside the building to mcdonalds which is across the building.

"Hi, can I order 1 cheeseburger with extra french fries and 1 coke ?" I state to the cashier.

I pay for the meal and wait at an empty table. I pull the chair and sit. I let go of my grey blazer and put it on the back of the chair. I take my meal tray and devour the cheeseburger. It's been forever since I have this.

Suddenly, I saw a brunette with electrifying blue eyes man enter through the door. He is heading towards my direction.

"What ? Can't let a woman have her burger ?" I complain with my mouth full.

"I suggest you get back to your job and eat something more healthy, Ms. Sterling" he chuckles at me.

I instantly recognize that voice.

"I am so sorry, Mr. Spencer. Is there anything you need of assistance ?"

"I need you in my office now, Ms. Sterling. Otherwise, I will throw your meal to the trash"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming. Jeez, you're such an impatient man, Mr. Spencer" I pack my meal inside the brown paperbag and grab my grey blazer with me.

As soon as we get to his office, he sighs down a breath.

"The annual Spencercorp anniversary gala is coming up in three weeks and I need you to be there with me, Millie"

"Is there any certain dress I should wear, Clark ?"

"No need to worry about the dress. Instead, you should worry on what you eat. What you ate earlier clearly makes me worry about you"

"What's wrong with the cheeseburger ?"

"That is very unhealthy. It's better for you to eat a fresh salad and you should take some etiquette lesson"

"What for ?"

"You do realize that you shouldn't be taking when your mouth is full"

"I know that but I want to speak"

"You should speak after you swallow down your food, Millie"

"I was a little dissapointed that it was you there"

"May I ask why ?"

"To be honest, I thought you were a handsome man"

"Well, thank you for the compliment, Millie" he picks up his square framed glasses and put it on.


Vivian's Pov

I am at the bathroom just to clean off my make up.

"So, those freckles were fake ?" Victoria ask.

I look back to the mirror and realize that I wipe out the fake freckles. Oh no,no, this can't be happening. I grab the make up powder to cover my birthmark. But, it was too late.

"What's that crescent moon near your nose ?"

"That's my birthmark and nobody can know about it"

"Why ?"

"If my real mom saw this, she would take me away"

"And why is that a bad thing ?"

"Because my mom was an evil woman just like Felicia"

"Is your mom dead ?"

"She is dead but she will come back to life one day and I don't want her to find me"

"I know that you are worried that your mother might find you anytime. But, I think it's the most beautiful birthmark I ever saw"

"It's a beauty but also a curse at the same time which is why I always cover it up with freckles. My mom hates freckles. She said that it makes me look old"

"I just want you to know that you look beautiful with or without the freckles" she give me a peck on the lip.


Cynthia's Pov

"Tell me more about your friends, Amanda" I said.

"Nancy is a fashion designer, Everina is an artist, Savannah is a doctor, Millie is working at the office as the head of cyber security and Lucy is dead" she reply.

"Aren't you a part of the supernaturalist stars ?"

"I am and so are my friends"

"What kind of enemies you fight ?"

"Supernatural creatures like ghosts, vampires and the most recent was a werewolf"

"How are the condition of you and your friends now ?"

"We have our own separate lives but Savannah doesn't wanna be in another mission unless we find someone who can replace Lucy"

"I think I might have a solution for that"

"What kind of solution ?"

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