Chapter 7

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Clark's Pov

"So, how are you doing with Millie ?" my best friend, Dave ask while I hit the golf ball.

"Brilliant" I answer.

"Did she sign the contract to be your fake wife ?"

"She did"

"Have you done anything romantic for her ?"

"Not yet. I don't want her to think that I am into her"

"But you are into her, Clark and she needs to know that"

"She doesn't need to know that. She already hates me anyway for making her sign the contract"

"You need to find the reason on why she hates you. Otherwise, this is just gonna be a one-sided love"

"It is already a one-sided love. I am just way too desperate to be with her, Dave"

"I can't see you like this, Clark"

"Like what ?"

"Being an absolute hopeless romantic and hoping that she will love you as time goes by"

"If this is what she wants, then I can't reject her. Plus, she will only be my fake wife for a year"

"Then, you should spoil her with love for the entire one year"

"Fine, I will try to spoil her with love for the entire one year  just because you say so, Dave"

"Now, that's my best friend"


Vivian's Pov

I decide to give the supernaturalist stars a visit. I am knocking on their mansion's front door.

"What brings you up this late ?" Everina ask.

"I am here to inform you and your friends about something. Is Amanda here ?"

"No, she's not here"

"Good. Is the rest of your friends here ?"

"It's only me and Nancy"

"Hi, I'm Dalia Primrose"

"Nice to meet you, Dalia. I'm Everina Rhymes"

"Introductions can be done later. What needs to be inform now is the information that I and Dalia have"

"Can you call Nancy here, Everina ?"

"Just a second. Come down here, Nancy"

"I am present, Everina. I never expect to see Dalia and Vivian"

"We have something to tell you both before you tell it to the rest of your friends"

"Just spill it now. I am getting very impatient"

"We saw your friend Amanda at the underlair"

"The underlair used to be an underground city full of witches. But, it's dead now"

"Are you sure it's Amanda ?"

"We already knew this would happen. That's why I came prepared with this" Vivian form a crystal ball with her magic. Dalia give a magic touch to it and it shows us Amanda in a black cloak.

"How do you get this ?"

"It doesn't matter how we get this. But, does any one of you have an explanation why is she here ?"

"Amanda never told us anything. Besides, she is the nicest woman among us"

"I agree with Nancy. Maybe, it's just someone similar to her"

"I know this isn't an easy information for the both of you. But, it is Amanda and we have already confirmed it through the crystal ball"

"I think we should call Millie and Savannah, Everina"

"What about Amanda, Nancy ?"

"For now, it's better for her not to be included in your team activities"

"You should keep your distance from her. Bye, Nancy and Everina"

Everina's Pov

"What do you call us here for, Everina ?" Millie ask.

"I need to inform you and Savannah something" I reply.

"Better make it quick" Savannah said.

"Amanda is spotted at the underlair" Nancy admit.

"What is the underlair ?"

"It used to be a place for witches"

"That's all ?"

"You can't just say something like that, Savannah"

"Then, what do you want me to say, Nancy ?" Nancy get quiet.

"What is Amanda doing there ?"

"That's what we don't know, Millie. I don't even know if I can trust anyone anymore"

"If that is all you want to say, I shall leave now"Savannah leave.

"Where did you get this information from ?"

"Vivian and Dalia told us that they saw Amanda with a black cloak running away from them" Nancy answer for me.

"We need to do a confrontation"

"We will but I don't think I have the strength to do it tonight" I admit.

"It can be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Just text me if you want to do the confrontation" Millie rush out

I start to break down. I cover my face and start to cry.

"I don't know if I can do this anymore"

"Everything is gonna be fine, Everina" Nancy comfort me while soothing my back.

"This is all my fault for breaking apart our team"

"Hey, hey stop blaming it all on you. It's not your fault"

"Can I be honest ?"

"Sure, you can"

"Lucy is the only one I really trust among all of you. So, it's really hard for me to manage this team without her"

"Listen, I may not be as brave as Lucy but I can promise you one thing, Everina"

"What's that ?"

"I will not leave you hanging at all the hard times like the others did. I know it's been pretty rough for you especially since Lucy's death. But, you can always count on me" Nancy cup my hand in her hands.

"Thank you, Nancy. There is one question that's been lingering on my mind"

"Go on"

"What have we ever done to Amanda that makes her wanna betray us ?"

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