Chapter 11

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Everina's Pov

"The plan is we gotta sneak to Cynthia's house to get the ring of resurrection. Do you know her address, Amanda ?"

"I don't know her address" Amanda admit

"Then, how do you get to her house" Nancy ask.

"She teleported me there"

"Shoot, we're gonna need  Vivian and Dalia's help"

"You called for us ?" Vivian ask.

"Where do you come from ?"

"We were at the underlair. Then, we heard you calling for us" Dalia admit.

"Do you have a teleportation spell ?"

"I don't know about her. But, I certainly have it"

"Great. Oh yeah,meet Julie Lemongrass, our newest member"

"Hi there, Vivian and Dalia"

"Hello, Julie. Don't be shocked if I am a witch" Vivian said.

"Hi, Julie. I am Dalia Primrose. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you"

"Can you teleport us now to Cynthia's house ?"Vivian and Dalia throw a spell at us.

I turn around to find myself in front of Cynthia's house. That woman surely have a lot of money. Cynthia's house is a 2-story mansion.

"This way" Amanda said.

Amanda lead us to a tunnel. Last time I was in a tunnel was back in Topcone University.

"There it is" Amanda point to the silver ring full of carving.

Julie waste no time and get the ring.

"This is the ring, right ?"

"Yes, now let's get out of here"

"Wait, isn't the ring of resurrection part of the six relics ?" Millie ask

"It is a part of the six relics" Savannah answer.

"Every relic we found has a guardian. Think about it, the scepter of control, the amulet of immortality and the bagel of strength. It can't possibly be this easy. This ring must have a guardian of it's own too"

"That's right,my dear. I am Cynthia Wildrose.I am also the guardian of that ring and I will not let you take it away" A red haired woman with green eyes said.

"Don't you dare make another step" Julie said.

"Or what ?" she challenge

Julie launched a kick at Cynthia.

"You just made her really angry"

"Teleport us out of here this instant, Vivian" a mist of smoke start to surround us.

In an instant, we are back at our mansion.

"Do you have the ring ?"

"Yeah, we do"I give her the ring.

"If we want to resurrect your friend from the dead using this ring, you must bring her corpse here"

"Or we can teleport the corpse here" Dalia snap her fingers and Lucy's corpse lay on the floor.

"Or we can do that. All we need now is a pool"

"We don't have a pool. But Victoria does"

Suddenly, we are at  Victoria's mansion.

"What brings you here this late ?" Victoria ask.

"We need your swimming pool" I said.

"What for ?"

"To resurrect our friend from the dead" I show Lucy's corpse.

At the swimming pool

"Put her body on the center of the pool" Vivian said.

"I'll do it" I volunteer.

I carry Lucy's corpse to the pool and put it at the center.

"Get out of the pool now"

"Let me put the ring on her finger" Savannah volunteer.

"Give her the ring, Dalia"

Dalia give Savannah the ring and Savannah put it on Lucy's ring finger.

"Now, step aside. Two witches are about to do our work"

Vivian and Dalia cast a spell around Lucy's corpse and chant the spell multiple times. Lucy start to open her grey eyes slowly and look around.

"I'm alive" Lucy look amazed at her body.

"It worked. I am so glad you're alive, Lucy" I rush to the pool to hug her.

"You don't have to resurrect me from the dead, Everina" she cup my cheeks.

"Don't leave me ever again"

"I won't"

"And you better listen to me when I tell you to stop the fight"

"I'm still considering that" I lightly punch her shoulder.

"Am I still needed ?"Julie ask.

"I am sorry but you are no longer a member of our team"

"I can't believe that you used me" Julie starts to cry and run away.

"Now, what are we gonna do ?"

"Let's return to our mansion"

After we do our duty

"Everyone is dismissed"


Millie's Pov

I go to Clark's penthouse just to see Clark in front of the door. He is still wearing his shirt and tie.

"Were you waiting for me ?" I ask.

"Actually, yes. I have something to tell you, Millie" Clark admit.

"Go on, Clark"

"I know that you probably hated me because I cheated on you with Cynthia back in high school"

"And I still do"

"But, I never want to do that. The truth is Cynthia kissed me but I was way too shocked. I never love her. I only love you and I still love you until now"

"Why were you called to Principal Rosemary's office ?"

"After that kiss, Principal Rosemary told me to be Cynthia's fake boyfriend because I came from the wealthiest family. She also added that I must break up with you to make it look more realistic. I was forced to do it but deep down in my heart I disagree. Most of the time, it was just Cynthia who flirted with me. I never flirted with her back. After 3 months, I couldn't stand it anymore and I demanded a break up"

"Did she give you a break up ?"

"It was hard for her but she agreed anyway. I am still in love with you. Do you want to start over our relationship from the beginning, Millie ?"

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