Chapter 17

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Millie's Pov

I let out a breath before I open the ballroom door. I make my way through the crowd.

" Ladies and gentlemen, meet my wife, Millie Sterling " Clark proudly say.

Everyone is gawking at the sight of me.

" Why are they looking at me like that ? " I ask Clark.

" Because you look so stunning. Now, shall we dance ? " he offers his hand to me.

I take his hand and we begin to dance at the center of the ballroom. I look around the people inside this room. Oh god, I am very nervous right now.

" No need to be nervous. Just keep your eyes on me, Millie " I maintain my eye contact towards him.

We dance and dance until I hear lots of clapping around the room.

" They are cheering for us "

" I never know that dancing could be so fun with you "

" This is your first time ? "

" Unfortunately, yes. I never danced with anyone before you "

" That is such a shame because you are an excellent dancer "

" You really think so ? " I twirl around.

" I don't have a doubt on you "

" I wish this night could last forever "

" I wish to have a wonderful life like our dance now "

" I wish so "

" Ladies and gentlemen, you may dance with your partner now "

Soon, other couples start to dance around the ballroom.


Nancy's Pov

Hugo drag me to the dance floor and we begin to slow dance.

" It's been so long since we dance together, Nancy "

" I agree with you, Hugo " I put my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

" I'm so glad that we are invited to an event like this "

" I never thought that there would be a dance on tonight's event "

" I am just so glad to be with you tonight "

" Let's enjoy tonight like it's our last "


Justin's Pov

" The atmosphere is just perfect " I said.

" Want a dance ? " Savannah offer me her hand.

" I never have any experience on dancing "

" It's okay. I'll teach you how to dance " she take me to the dance floor.

Everyone's eyes are glued to us.

I put my hand on her waist and she put her hand on my shoulder. Then, we slowly start to dance.


Lucy's Pov

 I enjoy seeing the dancing couples in front of me. I am not sad over the fact that I am single. I look to the main couple, Millie and Clark. Millie is wearing a long-sleeved golden dress and Clark is wearing a golden suit. They dance in perfect harmony.

I am sipping my glass of wine.

" You don't dance ? " Dalia ask me.

She is wearing a one-sleeve gold dress.

" Too lazy to do it and I have no partner. What about you ? "

" Same reason like you. Tonight is a wonderful night, don't you think so ? "

" I agree " I continue to sip on my glass of wine.

" Have you ever dated anyone ? "

" There was one guy I dated back in college. His name is Levi Connors. Have you dated anyone before, Dalia ? "

" I dated one guy back in high school. His name is Asher Oakwoods. We broke up because his mother didn't want her son to date a girl who just lost her mother like me "

" I am so sorry to hear that "

" It doesn't matter anymore. I am glad that I already broke up with him " she drink her wine in one gulp.

" How is your life now ? "

" Single and happy. You ? "

" I never think about romance again since I broke up with Levi. I just wanna focus on my friendship and work "

" That is amazing. Sometimes, I wish I have someone who I can lean on and talk to about my problems " she sighed.

I look over to her to make sure she is okay.

" There are other things to be grateful for like having supportive friends or having a good job " I try to change the topic.

" Agree. But, I never have supportive friends or a good job. I always move jobs from one to another . I also never have time to make friends "

" I can be your friend, Dalia "

" It's not that easy, Lucy "

" I didn't expect to see you here , Dalia " Hugo greet Dalia.

" It's been a long time, Hugo. How are you ? "

" I'm good. I am so sorry that I rejected you harshly in the past "

" Don't worry, I already moved on from you "

" Do you have a boyfriend ? "

" I am not interested in finding a boyfriend "

" Any guy friends perhaps ? "

" I don't have any guy friends "

Suddenly, the ballroom door open up and it reveal Cynthia in a bright red dress.

" May I gather your attention, people ? " she ask.

What is she doing here ?

" I am here to give a warning to the supernaturalist stars. I expect you ladies to give me the ring of resurrection before next week. Do not test my patience ! I am already kind enough to give you a long deadline "

" Or else what ? " Everina challenges her.

" You wouldn't want to know what I would do, dear " she give an evil smirk before she vanished.

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