Chapter 6

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Vivian's Pov

I am at the underlair right now. The underlair is basically a dead underground city and the only one who has access to it are witches. I am searching for the ring of resurrection. Suddenly, I heard  a pair of  footsteps behind me. I look around and saw no one.

When I turn around, I find a brunette with green eyes woman.

"Who are you and what are you doing here ?" she ask me.

"Why must you know my purpose ?" I ask her back.

"I am afraid that  you could be working for someone evil" I chuckle at her answer.

"If that is your answer, I can assure you that I am not here for evil. If you must know, I am trying to help a friend in need"

"I am also trying to help a friend"

"May I know the name of your friend in need of your help ?"

"She does not ask for my help. But, I have a feeling that she and her friends might have danger"

"That's odd. I have that same feeling for the friend I'm trying to help"

"What's your name ?"

"Are you trying to change the topic now ?"

"No. But, I realize that we have been talking without knowing each other's identity"

"Very well, if you must know, I am Vivian Rosemary"

"Hello there, Vivian. I am Dalia Primrose"

"May I know the name of your friend who you thought is in need of your help ?"

"Her name is Nancy Wheaper and yours ?"

"Everina Rhymes. Nancy is one of the supernaturalist stars. In case you don't know, Everina formed that group. I think we are on the same side"

"What are you trying to look for your friend ?"

"Everina is also my girlfriend's sister-in-law. I am looking for the ring of resurrection"

"I didn't know you have a girlfriend. I think I know where to find it. Follow me"

"Are you dating anyone now ?"

"No one has my interest at heart. The last man I dated was back when I'm still on high school"

"So, you're single"

"I am single and I am very proud of it. Besides, dating is just a waste of time. No offense for you, Vivian"

"None taken, Dalia. Did you saw anyone in here ?"

"I never visited this place until today and no. I don't come across any witch"

"What happen to our kind ?"

"Most of us witches go to our own path abandoning this place since humans discovered it long ago"

"I thought only us witches can have access to this place"

"Well, not anymore since a human discover this place is below their train station"

"I don't see any humans here. Maybe, they already forgot about that incident"

"Humans aren't gonna forget what they saw which is why our kind witches escaped before humans could do anything further"

"Who have you dated before ?"

"I liked someone on middle school but he didn't love me back. So, I moved on and dated another guy on high school. He was a wizard but his mother disapproved of me as his girlfriend because I lost my mother"

"I am so sorry. Aren't wizards not allowed to live ?"

"No, they aren't. That's why his mother escaped from here and hid him away"

"What about the man from middle school ?"

"He liked another girl and he was human"

"If you could date someone again, who would you want ?"

"Someone who is neither a wizard nor a human"

"What about a vampire ?"

"A vampire would be nice. But, it depends on the person"

"I hope you find a man who love you"

"Nah, I don't really need a man now. I am used to doing everything alone. Come on, we're almost there"

We walk for another mile until we stumble upon a balcony. I see a box that's open. I check it out and find nothing.

"Are you sure it's here ?"

"It is supposed to be in that box you are holding"

"There's nothing in it"

"That means someone must have taken it away"

Suddenly, I feel a human's presence.

"Do you feel that ?"

"A human is in this place, right ?"

I look to my left to see someone with a black cloak running away.

"There" I point out and start to chase the mysterious figure.

"Wait for me, Vivian" Dalia launch a stun spell on the figure.

I take off the hood to reveal.....................Amanda. Unfortunately, the spell only lasted for a couple more seconds. Amanda look at both of us and put her hood back on. Then, she vanished.  There is only one question lingering on my mind.

What is she doing here ?

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