Chapter 15

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At the supernaturalist stars mansion

Millie's Pov

"Millie is about to announce something for us" Everina said.

I step up and clear my throat before I begin to speak.

"On next week's saturday, there will be the annual Spencercorp anniversary gala. If you are confused, Spencercorp is where I work. All of you are invited to the gala. I will hand the invitations now" I start handing the invitation to Everina and the rest of the supernaturalist stars.

"Are Dalia and Vivian also get invited to the gala ?" Nancy ask.

"They are also invited" I reply.

"We are present" Vivian and Dalia appear out of nowhere.

"Do we get an invitation too ?"Dalia excitedly ask.

I chuckle before I answer.

"Both of you get the invitation"I hand the invitation to them.

"Is there any certain dresscode ?" Vivian ask.

"It's in the invitation. Can you give this to Victoria cause she is one of  Spencercorp's investor ?" I hand Victoria's invitation to Vivian.

"Victoria doesn't allow me to enter her mansion for now so no" she reject the invitation.

"That's alright. I'll let my boss know that" I rush to inform Clark.

"Vivian is having a problem with Victoria now. So do you mind if you have to give Victoria's invitation, Clark ?"

"I don't mind at all. Just meet me in my office tomorrow morning, Millie"

"Thank you, Clark"

"Your welcome, Millie"


At Clark's penthouse

Clark's Pov

"May I have your attention, gentlemen ?" I ask.

"What do you want to tell us, Clark ?" Hugo ask.

"Both of you are invited to the annual Spencercorp anniversary gala which is held on next week's saturday" I announce.

"Where is the place ?" Justin ask.

"It's written in the invitation. Don't worry about your partner in love cause they are also invited"

"Thank you so much for inviting us"

"Thank you for giving me lots of advice on how to attract a lady"

"We're always here for you. If you need anything, just give us a call"

Someone is ringing the bell. I rush to the door and open it to see Millie.

"I hope I'm not in a middle of something you're doing" she giggle.

"And that's our cue to go, Justin" Hugo tapped on Justin's shoulder.

"See you at the gala, Clark"Justin said.

"See you at the gala, Hugo and Justin" I bid them goodbye.

"I didn't know that you make friends with Hugo James and Justin Smiles. How did you meet them ?"

"At a cafe in the evening, I approached them. Please don't laugh at what I'm about to say"

"I promise I won't"

"I was asking them about tips or tricks on how to attract a lady"

"I'm guessing that's why you become good friends with them"

"Yeah. Did you give the invitation to all your friends ?"

"I did except for Victoria's invitation"

"Care to tell me about your adventures with them as the supernaturalist stars ?"I plopped down to the sofa

"Which one do you want ?" she joined me in the sofa.

"I want to hear everything"

"Let me start from the very beginning on how I met each of the supernaturalist stars. I was Everina's best friend. Then, I introduced her to Nancy. Nancy introduced us to Amanda who was her roomate. Savannah spotted us on a mission to take down her aunt's evil plan. And lastly, Lucy saved us from a trap"

Millie told me all her adventures for the whole night.

Tomorrow morning

"Come on Clark, it's time to go to work" Millie shakes my body.

"Alright, I'm up" I yawned.

"I am waiting for my breakfast"

I put on my suit and head to the kitchen. I start to cook scrambled eggs and ham.

"Breakfast is served, madam" I bow down to Millie.

"You don't need to do that, silly" she laughed at my behavior.

"We gotta hurry"

"I'm almost done so wait for me"

"I am always waiting for you. When did I not wait for you ?"

"Never and that's why I love you, Clark" she give me a peck on my lips.

We walk by foot since Spencercorp is next to my penthouse.

2 hours later

Millie's Pov

I am chilling at my desk when Clark send me a message.

"Meet me at my office"

I rush to his office.

"What do you need me for, Clark ?"

"I need to discuss about the contract, Millie"

"What's wrong with the contract, Clark ?"

"I think you should stop being my fake wife, Millie"

"What ? Why so sudden ?"

"I realized that I am torturing you emotionally and mentally with this contract"

"You never torture me, Clark. But, I am very grateful that you made this contract. Fake wife or not, I will always be at your side"

"So do you wanna continue to be my fake wife or not ?"

"I still want to continue. But, if the contract is done, then you shall throw a proper wedding party for us"

"Okay, you may leave my office now, Millie"

"Thank you, Clark. I'll see you at lunch"

"I better not see you with another cheeseburger"

"Don't worry , I am having salad for lunch"

"I don't think I can trust your words" a laugh escaped from my mouth.

"What's that laugh for ?"

"Nothing. Just don't stress too much" I close the door when I get out of his office.

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