Chapter 10

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Clark's Pov

"So what caused you to break up with Millie in the past ?" Dave ask.

"She saw me getting kissed by Cynthia Wildrose" I said as I hit the golfball.

"Have you told her what happen from your point of view ?"

"I haven't. After Cynthia kissed me, I was brought to the principal's office. Principal Rosemary told me that I need to be Cynthia's fake boyfriend because I came from the wealthiest family. In order to do that, I must broke up with Millie. But Millie already asked for a  break up before I can explain what happen"

"What did you feel ?"

"I felt heartbroken but I still continued to be Cynthia's fake boyfriend for the next 3 months. Everytime I looked at Millie, she turned away"

"Let me guess she hated you because you were Cynthia's fake boyfriend ?"

"Yes and I guess she still hates me now"

"You need to speak to her, Clark"

"It's not that easy, Dave"

"When is the annual Spencercorp anniversary gala ?"

"Two weeks from now. Why do you ask ?"

"You will always say yes, I will do it but you never have the courage to do it. So, I'm setting you a deadline"

"You're joking, right ?" 

"I am not joking at all, Clark. It is very devastating for me to see your state like this. So,you must talk to Millie before the annual Spencercorp anniversary gala"

"And what if I don't ?"

"Then, I will not become your friend anymore. Do we have a deal, Clark ?" Dave offer me his hand

"Fine, we have a deal" I shake Dave's hand.

"Good. I believe it's my turn to hit the golfball now"

"Here" I hand him my golf club.

"Thank you, Clark"

"Your welcome, Dave"


Everina's Pov

"I really hope that Nancy find someone who can replace Lucy" I sigh

"Don't worry, my lady. I am sure your friend is an expert at that" Emmett assure me

A notification popped on my phone. I see a text message from Nancy.

"I already found the woman who can replace Lucy. See you tomorrow"

"Yes,yes,yes" I scream in excitement.

"What is it,my lady ?"

"Nancy has find someone who can replace Lucy"

"That's a good news,my lady"

"I am so happy right now" I hug him and he reply the hug.

"Do you want some pancakes, my lady ?"

"I am craving for some pancakes"

"Wait, let me check the kitchen.I think I can make it for you,my lady"

Tomorrow evening

Clark's Pov

I am at the cafe enjoying my coffee while doing my work. The cafe door opens up and reveal a blond man with green eyes and a dark haired man with blue eyes. Wait a minute, they are Justin Smiles and Hugo James. They sit down on one of the chairs and call for the waiter. The waiter come to them and list their orders.

I make my way to them.

"Good evening, gentlemen"

"Good evening too, Mr ?" Hugo James ask.

"Clark Spencer, CEO of Spencercorp"

"What's a CEO like you doing here ?" Justin Smiles ask.

"This might sound awkward. But, do you have any tips or tricks to impress a woman ?"

"Oh so, this is what you're asking for, Mr. Spencer"

"Just call me Clark"

"We have plenty. Do you have any woman you want to impress ?"

"There is one actually. Her name is Millie Sterling"

"Nancy just talked about her yesterday"

"That's also Savannah's college roomate. How do you meet her ?"

"I met her on high school. She was my girlfriend back then"

"So you are Millie's high school boyfriend ?"

"I was but I think she hates me now"

"We are ready to listen"


Everina's Pov

I am at the meeting room with Millie, Savannah and Amanda.

"You promised me that you already find someone who can replace Lucy. Now, where is she ?" Savannah ask.

The front door opens up and it reveal Nancy and another woman.

"Please meet Julie Lemongrass" Nancy said referring to the tall red hair woman with blue eyes.

"Hello, it's nice to meet all of you" she smile showing her white teeth.

"Julie is an expert martial artist but she can only drive car and motorcycle. I hope you don't mind with that"

"I am also a teacher on Mylene city public high school"

"Show us your kick" Savannah challenges her.

Julie show us her kick and Nancy isn't wrong at all about her.

"What about your punch ?"

She punch the wall and  a little crack starts to form around the wall.

"I think it's enough with the punch and kicks. I'm Everina Rhymes and I am also the team leader"

"Nice to meet you, Everina"

"Hi, I'm Millie Sterling and I am the hacker"

"Nice to meet you too, Millie"

"Hello, I am Savannah Nightsky and I am the most social"

"Nice to meet you as well, Savannah"

"Hi, I'm Amanda Blue and I am the cook"

"Pleasure to meet you, Amanda"

"And you already know me I am Nancy Wheaper and  I am the fashionista"

"You are officially a member of the supernaturalist stars, Julie Lemongrass"

"It is an honor to serve your team" she bow down.

"You don't need to bow down. You're already a member so no need to do that" she stand back up.

"What's the plan, Everina ?"

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