Chapter 13

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Cynthia's Pov

I am chilling in a cafe with Felicia Fame.

"So how is your progress ?" Felicia ask.

"Very terrible. The supernaturalist stars  got away with the ring plus they have a new member on their team" I reply.

"I heard from one of my spies that they disowned the new member once they resurrected their friend from the dead" 

"What are you suggesting ?"

"Maybe, you could use the disowned member to be your new henchman since Amanda blocked your contacts"Felicia give her evil smirk.

"That's quite impossible to change her mind"

"Who said you need to change her mind, remember you are the only descendant of the great powerful Barbara Rosemary"

"I can invite her to my mansion then I will use my spell to brainwash her mind"I grinned at the thought of my plan. 

"Bingo, you got what I mean, Cynthia. You better have a plan to take the ring back from them"

"Oh, I sure will, Felicia" I walk away from her.


Julie's Pov

I can't believe that they disowned me once their friend rise from the dead. I am staying at my room not daring to come out.

"I feel so sorry for you, dear" a mysterious voice said in my head.

"Who is that ? Come reveal yourself" the mysterious voice laughed.

"Step in to the mist of smoke"

Suddenly, a mist of smoke start to surround my room blinding my eyesight. I slowly fall to a deep slumber. The last voice I heard was a laughter.

I wake up to find myself in a tunnel. I start to look at my surroundings only to realize that this is Cynthia's tunnel.

"Now that you're awake, dear. I need you to do a favor for me" Cynthia said.

"I may not be a supernaturalist stars member anymore but I will not  accept evil" my breath start to go unsteady.

"I know this would happen. That's why I bring this" she show me a talisman that has a pattern of a lollipop.

"Whatever tricks you are pulling on me, it's not working" I refuse to look up at the talisman.

Suddenly, I feel like there's a force that push me to look to the talisman's direction.

"Keep on resisting, it won't work" she move the talisman slowly.

"Focus on this"

 I don't know why but I can't stop looking at the talisman.

"You are such a good girl, dear. Now, you will listen to my command"

"I am ready to serve you, Cynthia"

"Don't call me Cynthia, dear. Call me master"

"Yes, master"

"I need you to return my ring to me"


 Vivian's Pov

Something bad is about to happen. I need to report this to the supernaturalist stars. I teleport myself to their mansion. I knock on the front door.

"What brings you up this late, Vivian ?" Everina greet me.

"Where is the ring of resurrection ?" I ask in a demanding tone.

"Inside the secret chamber"


"Ok, ok, I'll check on it"

Everina lead me to the secret chamber which is inside the library.

"Why is this so complex ?"

"So not anyone can go through without my guide"

"That's good. But, it won't work against a witch who knew a thousand tricks. May I remind you that the threat you are facing is not an ordinary one"

"Who is she ?"

"Cynthia Wildrose is the only descendant of the great powerful Barbara Rosemary. If that ring fell to the wrong hand, it would be use for evil purpose"

"So she is not an ordinary guardian"

"Each guardian of the relic is not an ordinary threat especially this one , Everina"

"See, it's still safe and sound" she show me the ring of resurrection compeletely sealed with a glass box.

"Look, behind your back" I point to a hand coming out of a portal trying to reach for the ring.

I make a portal through the glass box so I can grab the ring before the mysterious hand can.

"Danger is everywhere. Remember to not let your guard down, Everina" I show her the ring. The mysterious hand dissapear so is the portal.

"Who was that ?"

"I think Cynthia already made her plan to take this ring"

"I must enchance the security system"

"No matter how hard you try to enchance the security system, it won't work against a witch"

"What's your suggestion then ?"

"Hand the ring to me. I will keep it somewhere safe" I lend my hand.

"Are you sure you can keep it safe ?" she start to doubt me.

"Just trust me, Everina" she let out a heavy breath. 

 Then she hand the ring to me.

"Thank you for your trust, Everina" I grab the ring away from her.

I walk out of the mansion.

"I am handing this ring to you, Dalia" I throw the ring to Dalia.

"I promise I will guard this ring with all my heart" she reply.

"Don't just say it, Dalia. But, keep your words with your action"

"Yes, Vivian"

"Good. I am going to visit Victoria"

I teleport myself to Victoria's 3-story mansion.

"Why do you show up this late, Vivian ?"

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