Chapter 14

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Vivian's Pov

"I know you might be angry with me, Victoria. But, I promise you that I need to do something important before I come here" I release a heavy sigh.

"This is not the first time you do something like this, Vivian. I am not angry with you but I am quite dissapointed that you can't keep a promise"

"At least, I made an effort to come here, Victoria"

"No, no, it was always me who's doing the effort. You just sit and enjoy my effort"

"I don't want to drive us into this argument"

"Then, you shouldn't come late. I was waiting for you for two hours. You can't expect me to always be patient about your behavior"

"I was called for an important duty. If I didn't secure the ring, a mysterious hand would take it away"

"That's their business not yours, Vivian. For now, don't come to visit me"

"Fine, enjoy your loneliness"

I give one last glance to Victoria's mansion. Then, I stormed away from her mansion.


Lucy's Pov

I am at the secret chamber keeping an eye on all four relics. The scepter of control, the amulet of immortality, the bagel of strength and the ring of resurrection are locked inside a glass box. I touch the glass box containing the bagel of strength and close my eyes remembering the fight with the werewolf  that took my life away. I gasp and slowly keep my hand away from the glass box. That was a bittersweet memory.

I look to the ring of resurrection and start to remember when I rose back from the dead. It still feels odd until now. I look at my hand then my body. I am thankful that I get a second chance in life. I don't have any amnesia so I still remember everything that happened to me before I get in the supernaturalist stars.

Mom and dad, I wish you could see who I am now. I am not a fragile little girl anymore. I have five female friends who I am very grateful for. I sacrificed my life for them. Thankfully, they try to find a way to bring me back from the dead.

I promise to enjoy every single moment in my life. I may never have a chance to see you both again but I promise if I have a child, I will be a good parent. I will also take care of my friends like the sisters I never had. My rain of  thoughts was stopped by Everina's arrival.

"What are you doing here all alone ?"

"Just cherishing the fact that I have a second chance in life" I smile a little.

"Did I see you smiling ?"

"Are you saying that I don't have a right to smile ?"

"No but I never see you smile before. Your smile is very beautiful"

"I only smile when I remember beautiful moments in my life like my sacrifice"

"You don't need to sacrifice yourself for us again. You already did it once but don't you dare do it again"

"I won't but if it was a tight situation, I would consider it"

"You are by far the greatest friend I have ever made, Lucy"

"I was even shocked that I would sacrifice for you that day. I never want to sacrifice myself to anyone before that day, Everina"

"What do you feel when you sacrifice yourself ?"


"Why do you feel satisfied ?"

"It felt like I have finished my duty and contribution to the team"

"I think you have become a lot wiser since you came back from the dead"

"I am always like this, Everina"

"Do you still keep an eye on us while being dead ?"

"I have always keep a keen eye on all of you especially you because you are the team's leader"

"The government lose their trust on us since you died. It was hard for us to survive. Some of the people on this city hate on us. They thought that we are responsible for your dead"

"How was the team's reaction ?"

"Everyone accepted it except Savannah. She doesn't wanna be involved in a mission if we can't find someone to replace your role in the team"

"I am guessing that the red haired girl was the temporary new member"

"Her name is Julie Lemongrass. She is also a teacher on Mylene city public high school"

"Tell me everything so I can catch up"

"Millie is working in the office as the head of cyber security, Amanda registered on a baking lesson and the rest is still the same"

"How long have I been dead ?"

"It's been a year"

"Time went so fast since I left this world for a while"

"Don't leave me again"

"Ok, captain"

"No need to call me captain, Lucy"

"Is it alright if I call you Eve cause Everina is too long ?"

"If you can call me Eve, can I call you Ana ?"

"Sure but only you can call me that, Eve"

"Ok, Ana"

We talk and laugh for the whole night like old buddies who hasn't seen each other for years.

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