Chapter 8

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Millie's Pov

When I arrive at Clark's penthouse, I immediately rush to the kitchen. I decide to make a coffee. I didn't realize that I put too much water until the water starts to boil and some of the water spilled onto the stove. I immediately turn off the stove's fire.

"You were always brilliant at making coffee. Are you thinking about something ?" Clark suddenly ask.

"Everina said that Amanda was spotted running away from Vivian and Dalia when they were at the underlair" I reply as I pour the coffee to my cup.

"Late night coffee isn't good for your health. But, I'll allow you only for tonight" he start to clean the spilled water around the stove.

"Let me clean it by myself, Clark"

"You just made a mess by making your own coffee. That already stated enough how stressed you are so no"

"I am sorry, Clark. Amanda is always a nice woman. I mean why did she do that ?"

"Maybe, she has her own hidden motives"

"That just doesn't make any sense at all. I mean at what cost is she willing to do that for ?"

"Maybe, you should ask her instead"

"Everything  start to become messy since Lucy's death. First, Savannah won't join us in our mission unless we have someone who can replace Lucy's role. Now, Amanda is plotting something without telling us. I usually never overthink but this is starting to stress me out"

"I'm sure that you and your friends will talk it out with her"

"I know we will but this is making me feel very frustrated" I sip on my coffee.

"I'm sure you will solve the problem tomorrow"

"I need to figure out who is behind Amanda's scheme"

"You will but I suggest that you take a couple hours of sleep"

"I can't sleep if I'm still thinking about all this"

"Then, stop thinking about it"

"I'll try not to really think about it. Thank you for the advice, Clark" I hug him.

Clark is taken aback by my action but he slowly hugs me back.

"Anything for you, Millie"

"I'm gonna head to the bedroom. Good night, Clark"

"Good night, Millie"

Clark's Pov

I knew that she is still that smart girl from high school. She was the girl that I tutored. The only difference is that she doesn't wear pink anymore. But, she is still enthusiastic while talking about her problems. 


10 years ago

At Blackrose high school

I was sitting on the principal's office waiting for a girl.

"Here she is. Millie Sterling please meet your tutor Clark Spencer" Principal Rosemary said.

"Hi,Millie. I am Clark Spencer and I will be your tutor for the rest of the semester" I stand up and greet her.

"Hi there, Clark. It's nice to meet you" Millie is wearing a short sleeved pink dress with flower patterns.

"I realize that you have been failing in all your exams, Ms. Sterling. That is why I called Clark Spencer to be your tutor if you don't mind"

"I certainly don't mind at all, Principal Rosemary"

"And what about you, Mr. Spencer ?"

"I think I can keep up with my football practice to be her tutor, Principal Rosemary"

"Excellent. Ms. Sterling and Mr. Spencer, you both may leave my office"

"Thank you, Principal Rosemary" we both say at the same time.

Flashback end

I still remember her beautiful smile when she enter the principal's office. I smile at the thought of it. I go back to my bedroom. I sleep in a different room apart from Millie. I take off my glasses and put it on my table.

I lay on my bed thinking about the time I asked her to be my girlfriend.


10 years ago

At Blackrose cafe

"I have a confession to make to you, Millie" I said.

"Go on, Clark" she reply.

"These past few months of being your tutor, I learned a lot of things about you. I love you for all your perfects and imperfects. I know this is not much but will you be my girlfriend, Millie ?" I show her a bouquet full of roses.

"I am shocked that a popular guy like you would love an ordinary girl like me. Thank you for making these past few months the best months in my life. Thank you for helping me with my exams and also thank you for introducing me to coding. And yes, I would love to be your girlfriend"

"Thank you, Millie" I hug her.

"Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna kiss you on the lips. Please don't judge me cause this is my first kiss" she kiss me slowly and passionately.

I have kissed a lot of girls before her. But, when I kiss her, it feels different and I like that. Somehow, deep in my heart, I know that she is the one who is destined for me. We never know and only time will tell if we are meant to be together or not. For now, I am just feeling very grateful to have her in my arms.

Flasback end

I guess you could say things didn't end pretty well for us. I start to close my eyes and fall to a deep slumber.

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