Chapter 19 - Zariah

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I walked inside away from Giovanni for about 5 minutes now. I'm sitting on the couch watching SpongeBob with Tino on Alessandro computer.

He still hasn't given me back any of our electronics. Which in a way is smart cause I would've with no hesitation called the police on these two.

I don't give a flying fuck how much I want to sleep with Giovanni. He kidnapped me and my child.

I don't know what came over me outside, but I needed to know if Kiyana was dead or not. I mean that's the only reason I'm in this situation. They think I know where she is, but I think it's the other way around.

They're probably using me as bait to get her back here. And frankly I don't even know if I would be happy to have her back.

I mean she abandons both me and Tino and now she gets me kidnapped and SHES NOT EVEN HERE.

I'm pulled back to reality when I feel Tino begin to shuffle around on my lap.

I look down to see him already staring at me. My eyes widen and the prolonged eye contact with zero conversation.

"Yesss." I drag out. This kid can make anyone uncomfortable I swear.

"I hungry mommy." I look up to the clock mounted on the wall and see it says 3:30.

It's already this late. They've been in there for a while I wonder what they're talking about.

Snap out of it and mind your own business before it becomes a problem.

I guess I could start dinner now, I mean it's practically 4.

"Okay what do you want for dinner sweetheart?"

He sits there as if he's truly contemplating my very easy question.

"Bully beef." I smile at the little accent he puts on while saying Jamaican things.

"Okay bully beef it is." I close the laptop and we make our way over to the kitchen. I made Alessandro get rid of his evening chef since I wanted Tino to know how to survive in life without money and all he did was laugh when I said it.

Me and Alessandro have been getting along a little better. He even put labels in the corners of every cabinet so I could find everything easier.

He also bought several foods that I usually cook.

It's sweet, but I hope he doesn't think for a second I will forget why I am here and what he is trying to do.

I pull out a frying pan and a cutting board. I cut up some onions and garlic. I put the oil in the pot and wait for it to heat up, I caramelize the onions, garlics and add in the meat.

I always add corn to give it something more. Obviously I season it and plate it with some rice. There was enough for 6 people since I always make enough for leftovers.

I wash and dry the pots and go to put them back until every single one of them falls on my feet.

"FUCK!" I yell afraid that I might've broken my toes.

"Mommy!" I whip around to see Tino crying. He hated loud noises and he hated it even more when the loud noise resulted in me getting hurt.

I hop over to him and take him off the chair.

"It's okay baby don't cry. Mommy's okay. I promise, it was just an accident." I rub his back trying to soothe him. Which was quite hard when tears began to run down my face.

I go to close my eyes, but they immediately snap back open from the heavy foot steps I hear heading directly towards us.

Two huge men stop in front of me.

They looked absolutely disheveled as if they've been injured and not me.

"What the fuck Zariah? What happened?" Alessandro says out of breath while looking between me and Tino.

"He's fine." They still didn't looked satisfied with my mediocre answer.

"I just dropped a few pots by an accident." They look behind my head to verify my story and immediately looked relieved.

I decide to not tell them about my foot since they might get really mad at me.

But that stupid fucking plan is ruined when my dumbass tries to get up, but instead falls back down in pain.

Giovanni rushed over picked Tino up and gave him to Alessandro. Then came back to me and lifted me off the floor.

Damn this man was strong.

"Giovanni put me down. I can walk by myself."

He just ignores me. Rude. And keeps walking towards the couch. He lays me down gently before going onto one knee to examine my foot.

"It broken, you know that right?" He says flatly looking at me like I'm the dumbest person to ever walk the earth.

"It's not broken just slightly out of place." I say in attempt to decrease his anger and the situation.





I take a deep breath before.

"I'm so sorry Giovanni I should've jump into the future catch the pots and jump back." I say now dropping my tone and being the most sarcastic I could possibly be.

"Don't be sarcastic with me." He was angry, but frankly I couldn't care less.

"Don't yell at me."

"HEY DUMBFUCKS! Can we stop arguing and get her help or no?" Alessandro speaks up.

"I told you don't swear in front of him."

"Hey I heard you yell FUCK. So I wouldn't be so hypocritical." He says with a smirk on his lips.

Alessandro really pisses me off.

"I broke my toe when I said it, what's your excuse?"

"So you admit your toe's broken." I hear from beside me.

"Leave me alone Giovanni."

"Is mommy gonna die." Tino finally speaks up.

"No baby of course I'm not gonna die. Why would you think that?" I motioned to Alessandro to bring him over since I really couldn't get up.

He places him in my lap.

"I don't know." He shyly whispers while wiping away my dried tears.

"Zariah let's go get you help." Giovanni moves Tino to sit on the couch and picks me up.

Is he taking me to the hospital?

If he does I could potentially get help from someone there.

How you gonna run hoe with no toe?

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