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Y/n:I...I am sorry I didn't mean to...

Yoongi:(slapping you)For god's sake..keep this little mouth of yours shut before I shut it forever..

You were looking down

Yoongi:Did you fcking understood my words?

You nodded

Yoongi:Words bitch


Then he left from there

You started crying and sobbing.This is a daily routine for you now..It's been 6months since you guys got married..well no one would call this crap marriage atleast.A 19 year old like you should study and pursue a career at this age rather than marrying a cruel Mafia whose only wish is to make your life miserable

Y/n:I just can't even kill myself at this point otherwise he will destroy the orphanage..where will my friends will live if he does that(sob)Why do I have to suffer like this..

Maid:(knock)Excuse me mam..Sir told you to have dinner

Y/n:(sniffing)hmm.. coming

You went downstairs..and saw yoongi on the chair just like how a king sits on his throne..Well that was indeed his throne.
You sat across him.Yoongi was smirking in satisfaction seeing your red puffy eyes and rosy cheeks.Your tears was everything he wants to see to get his mood better.

You picked up the chopsticks to eat before Yoongi taunted you again

Yoongi:Blood do speaks right?You still didn't learn how to show respect to your elders..This Choi family is indeed useless..

Y/n:I am sorry can start first

Yoongi:You know what it's okay..I lost my appetite after seeing this worthless face of yours..You know you look exactly like you father..

He then left from there leaving you alone there crying silently

Y/n:How am I suppose to know how my father looks when I haven't even met him(you were sobbing)

You went upstairs as it was now a habit to not have your supper as you always either end up getting insulted or abused by him.

Flashback (7months ago)

Namjoon:hyung..there is a man claiming that he has something really important to tell you..

Yoongi:Let him enter(cold)

The man entered

Yoongi:You have 35 secs to complete your words and get out of here before I shove bullets in your mouth

Man:But sir it's about the Choi's

Yoongi raised his one brown and spoke

Yoongi:That family is dead..I have killed their last heir..their son Choi young sok with my own hands so stop talking nonsense

Man:No of the heir is still alive..

Yoongi:Wtf are you saying (scary deep voice)

Man:Yes sir..Choi Gyehoon had girl and one boy..I have proof aswell(handing him some hospital records)

Namjoon checked it

Namjoon:hyung the papers are valid..

Yoongi:Where is that heir?

Man:I don't know sir but I have heard that Choi Gyehoon abandoned her due to her gender..I think she must be in a orphanage

Yoongi: have 3days..get me information about that girl
I want her asap

Last offspring of the Choi'sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora