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hey guys..I am sorry for no updates.The pujas just ended and I am suffering from post puja depression..hehehe..

btw I want you all to read my new ff.Its called VICTIM OF HIS DESIRES.Its based on a nightmare I had after reading a ff.So the story is quite similar to that ff. The dream involved Jin so its a Jin ff.Show it some love cuz I love that ff.Next part will be posted soon so stay tuned..

Golden is about to be released on 3rd and I am so excited.I know Jungkook will nail it.

Lets vow to make it the most successful album.Also please stream LAYOVER.Its my favorite album.Lets make it the most streamed album.V deserves it. Have you seen Jimin's new documentary?I still havent.Tell me how it is..

Stay safe and love yourself.I cant add any emoji as I writing on my laptop rn..


Edit:It's now called Dear Cold Professor

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