Part 22

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His office was so huge that if you will be left unattended you can possibly get lost. You entered the building and immediately stood in front of a well dressed woman who probably seem to be quite older than you but still younger than Yoongi.
The woman eyed you from top to bottom with a narrowed eye. She scoffed at you before saying

"So you are Min Y/n?"


You said with a bit if hesitation. God her question sounded more like a mockery.

"Follow me"

She said and started walking towards a very beautifully decorated corridor. You were too busy gawking at the alluring interior that you never realized when the lady stopped.

"Go in..sir wants u inside"

Okay damn he wants you!

As you twisted the door Knob to open it..her words halted your actions.

"This is gonna end are totally not his type"

Well it's not a lie afterall. Are you his type?

"You gonna stand here?"

Someone interrupted you two. Well it was non other than him.


"Yes sir?"

" Bring a cup of coffee and ice cream..Belgium chocolate"

Wait how does he know your favorite flavour?
(Ice cream flavour you perverts)

"Get in now!" He said and entered the lavish room.

You entered behind him as he closed the door with a loud thud.

The devil seems pissed!

Well damn this room is just too perfect..just like him. You will def have a cabin like this one day too.

"I had this custom designed" He said out if nowhere.

"This is so..pretty" You said.

He gestures you to sit on one of the rotating chairs in front of his desk.

He sat on his chair as he looked at you.

"What is it?"
You asked still confused about your presence here.

He said as if you are talking nonsensical shit"

"Oppa told you called me here.."

"Yeah i did"


"Cuz I wanted too"

Your eyes narrowed at his words.

"I need you to do something"


"I want you to work my advisor and consultant"


You said we'll more like screamed this time.

"On the days when ur off of university..I want you to be here"

"But I- "

"The argument is over and this is final"

You couldn't speak further. You just started at your lap. Well his business is not fully legal you know that.

"I won't make you do illegal stuff Y/n"

He can read swear this time.

"How is Noona?"

He said changing the topic

"Good..Namjoon oppa will show her around the mansion"


His tone changed, he has practically raised that man and as long as he remembers,he hates being around woman alone. He is awkward. A nerdy awkward guy.

"Yes" You answered gaining a chuckle from him.

A guy who looked like a butler entered the room and placed your food items on the desk.

The ice cream is the most favorite thing of yours. It can give you all the happiness of the world.

He tool a sip of his coffee and gestured you to start eating. Well can you ever resist ice cream? Ofcourse not!


"Can I leave?" You said whole being completely bored. He has been on the laptop for more than two hours now. If you knew, you would have brought few books with yourself.

"No" He said,eyes still focused on the laptop.
You groaned in frustration.

"You dont get bored around that professor..then what is it now?"

He said looking at you.

You were too frustrated to act normally. In annoyance,you blabbered out whatever was in your mind.

"Cuz he gives his all attention to me..not a damn laptop"

A wave of fear and guilt and took over you as youbrealizwd what u said to him

That's are dead today

"I didn't mean it th- "

"If I start giving you attention.."
He said again working on his laptop.

"You won't be able to handle it"

"Wh..wha- "

Before you could finish up, the same woman from earlier entered the room.

She aporached him and gave him some file..

"Good job Hayoon"

"Anything for you sir"

The tone was so seductive that youvoractically gagged at her. Seri annoys you too but this was way too much.



You said still focused on your thoughts as the woman gave you an eye roll.

"She is my P.A Lee Hayoon"

She gave you a fake smile.. making u wanna throw up so bad.

"Hayoon..she is my wife Min Y/n..I want you to teach her all the work ethics.."


"Yes she will be working here in the weekends as my advisor.."


This woman screamed more louder than you.

"I mean sir..she seems quite young"

"Young and efficient"

Did he just praise you? Has the sun rose today?

"I want her to be perfect at everything"

Happy valentines day everyone. I wasntvolanning to update today but consider this as my gift for yall for the valentine's day. I dont have a lover,but I love you all 💕.
Take care of yourself. Also I wanted to ask,should I make a playlist for this ff. Like all the songs you should listen while reading this ff.I have seen some writer's do it and I absolutely find it cool.
Please don't ignore atleast this question for God's sake.

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