10 | Turning Point

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<Musa: Hey, Syra. Question. Would you move to Pakistan?>

<Syra: Umm...I don't think so, Musa. Why??>

I read and and reread those two messages again and again and my heart ached. Syra probably hadn't realised that I had meant to ask her this question seriously.

My Dad had taken the first available flight to Pakistan as soon as he heard about Mamma's condition.

Make a f***ing decision already. I felt frustrated at myself as I made my morning coffee. I knew very well that my mother needed me and I had to go. But with Syra's reply flashing through my mind again and again, I began to wonder how any of this was going to work out.

I had to go to Pakistan, temporarily, but possibly for a long time.

And Syra didn't want to move there.

"I think what your mother needs right now is her whole family around her. Please come soon, Musa." Dad had said to me before I had left.

In the absence of my father, as the head of this empty household, I made a decision. I picked up my phone and dialled the number of Mr Amir Waleed. "Assalam Alaikum, Uncle. This is Musa."

"Walaikum Assalam, Musa! How are you, beta?"

"Alhumdulillah, I'm good." Once we were past the formalities, I asked what I had called him to house. "Uncle, Dad had to go to Pakistan in an emergency. And I will be following soon. Is there any chance if I can speak to Syra before I leave?" 

"Of course, beta. I'm home today if you want to drop by. I hope all is well." 

"In Sha Allah it will be." I replied. "I'll come back in around two hours, if that's okay?" 

"Sure, of course." 

After ending the call, I went up to get ready, my heart feeling heavy. This conversation with Syra was going to determine a lot.

Or shall I say, everything.


We strolled in the back garden of Syra's house as I tried to muster up the courage to begin a difficult conversation.

Syra wore a knee-length black dress with red floral patterns, black leggings and black gladiator sandals. She was nervously playing with her silver bracelet as we walked.

I wore black jeans and a soft long-sleeved grey shirt, along with my black boots. 

"Everything okay?" She broke the silence. "Uncle went away so suddenly. Is Aunty okay?" 

"She has been traumatised by everything she has experienced, Syra. We actually don't even know the full scale of what had happened to her." I explained. "But we saw her with all of us around, and Faris said that there was definitely a positive change in our presence, so Dad thinks that we should all be there with her. Since the passport renewal and visa process is going to take forever, especially since they have no recent proof of married life for a spouse visa, it's better for us to go to Pakistan."

"Is that why you asked me? If I'd move to Pakistan?" She asked softly.


"Is that what your plan is? To go to Pakistan forever?" She looked up at me.

"I don't know right now. Possibly. At least for long term, until we are convinced that Mamma is healing." I glanced down at her. "This is something that is completely your decision, Syra. I don't even know about Nikah right now, and I don't even know where I am going to be living." 

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