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Comment challenge: 200. The comments on Unexpectedly have been a little disappointing, but I trust you guys to meet this target now! 😀

Yes, I know the recent Irrevocably chapter had the same title. 😝


Rumaisa Amir had always been pretty impatient, and she was well aware of the fact. But now she had a valid reason in her own opinion. She wanted to get her daughter married off into an excellent family so that she could get over her heartbreak. There were no shortage of good rishtay considering how well connected and social Amir was, but the problem was Syra herself. Without her consent, nothing was possible.

As Amir worked in his study, despite spending a full whole day at his office, Rumaisa walked in holding mugs of coffee. She set Amir's mug down in front of him, before taking a seat on the opposite side of his desk. 

When she didn't speak for a few moments, her husband looked up in amusement. "What's on your mind, Rumaisa?" 


"Don't worry. She'll be back home soon, In Sha Allah. And Dania Appi is with her, so don't stress." He continued typing on his laptop, before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Find her a rishta and get her married. I'm worried about her."

He took his glasses off and set them down on the table. "Why is marriage the answer for everything?"

"Because she'll be focused on starting her new life, and gradually she'll forget about him." 

"Or...she won't be able to forget him and she'll make both herself and her husband miserable. Rumi, give her time to heal. I'm not pushing her into marriage, absolutely not." 

"Amir, but..."

"You want that? Go ahead. But I won't be included in any of it." His jaw clenched. 

Rumaisa sighed, knowing very well that she wasn't going to plan out their daughter's future without her husband's involvement. She herself had faced a lack of absence of her own father in major events of her life, so why would she ever even think about putting Syra through the same?

Amir's phone started ringing and he glanced down at it, frowning. "Syra's calling. At this time in Pakistan?" He immediately answered. "Hello...Walaikum Assalam. Syra, everything okay?" He listened to her for a while and Rumaisa stared at him, curiously. He glanced up at his wife, eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed thoughtfully. "Syra, you know I support you in everything, but this isn't a game. I want you to be a hundred percent serious now, because we can't just keep going backwards and forwards." He put the phone on speaker. "I've put it on loudspeaker, Syra. Let your mother know as well."

Now what? Rumaisa groaned internally.

"Assalam Alaikum, Mum." Syra's soft voice came through.

"Walaikum Assalam. How are you, Syra?" 

"I'm fine, Alhumdulillah." Syra paused. "Mum, I just told Dad...Musa and I want to marry each other."

Amir was staring carefully at his wife's expressions as she heard those words.

Rumaisa sat still for a few moments, unable to believe what she was hearing. "Syra Amir, do you even know what you are saying?" 

"Yes, Mum."

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