29 | Jannah & Zeeshan Part 2

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


Final chapter before the epilogue!



"It's about time." My mother looked at me, eyebrows raised.

"What do you mean?" I blinked at her confused.

"I was praying that you had as much courage as Musa regarding this matter." She smiled.

I had come home around an hour ago, and after showering and changing, Mama had called me down to the dining room for a light brunch. After the long journey, plus the right from Islamabad Airport to Khwabpur, I just wanted to rest, but the scent of the food had made me hungry. Over food was how I chose to break the news to my parents. Maybe their strong belief in table etiquettes would stop them from yelling at me or disowning me! "You knew all along?"

"I'm your mother, Zee. I know you. I could tell that you felt something for Jannah." She looked at Baba with a smile. "And I clued in your father on this too."

"And neither of you said a word about this? This could have saved me so much time!"

"Oh, Zeeshan, don't put this on us. You should have taken this step much earlier." Mama said. "But anyway, better late than never..."

"It's not that simple. I shouldn't have delayed this matter. Jannah's parents are considering another rishta for her." I sighed. And it might already been fixed, the marriage alliance. All because of me. "But we can't waste anymore time! We need to approach her family for the rishta."

"Let me speak to Jannah." Mama said. "I'll ask her to get me in touch with her mother, if Jannah is still ready for this."

I grinned. "I'll message her." I got up and rushed out of the room.

"At least eat something else!" She called out after me.

"I'm not hungry!" I replied over my shoulder. The sound of their laughter followed me up the stairs.

I headed straight to my room and sat down on the bed, grabbing my phone.

<Zeeshan: Do we still have a chance?>



I was fuming when I read the message from Zeeshan.

<Zeeshan: Do we still have a chance?>

I should say no, and say that my marriage has already been fixed.

Rolling my eyes, I typed back.

<Jannah: You shouldn't get a chance. You delayed things so much that I don't even know if you are interested or not!>

<Zeeshan: I know I did, and I am sorry about that. I wanted to set out a plan before I could speak to my parents. I wanted to decide whether I wanted to live in the US or Pakistan. I wanted to have answers to your parents' questions when they asked about my future plans.>

<Jannah: Do you have those answers now?>

<Zeeshan: You won't believe this...>
<Zeeshan: But I want to stay in Pakistan.>

I blinked. 

<Jannah: You do?>

<Zeeshan: My parents would never move abroad, and I can't live that far away from them. In a city in Pakistan, maybe, but not in another country.>
<Zeeshan: I spoke to Mama and Baba, and Mama wants to speak to your mother.>

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