27 | Regained Happiness

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I guess I felt a little bad because I asked Jannah if we could quickly stop by my parents-in-law's house. It felt rude to just go straight to Khwabpur without meeting them. They had been nothing less than parental figures for me, and I had been raised to give that regard to my elders.

"May all girls be blessed with in-laws like yours. Ameen." Jannah said. "You know, I've realised that the mother-in-law is a key factor in determining your relationship with your in-laws. A bad Saas can ruin the whole family dynamics, while a good Saas is a useful ally."

"Yours is very good too." I smirked.

She glared at me.

"What? It's true. Ma Sha Allah, Lubna Aunty..."

"I hope you find the perfect view to capture, but are unable to do so because your camera is out of reach." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"How's Zeeshan Bhai anyway?" I didn't stop.

"He's...." She began to reply, but huffed when I started laughing.

"So, you guys are in touch!" 

"I mean, we follow each other on social media, and I see his posts. But no, the communication levels are quite low." She shrugged. "It's best this way. My belief is to do things the right way, or don't do it at all. I'm just gonna go with the flow, and if it's meant to be, it'll happen."

"And I support you in that." I said. "I know that Allah will do whatever's best for you."

She smiled weakly.

We arrived at my in-laws' house- my house now too, of course, and as the guard came out he saw me in the front passenger seat, and opened the gates. 

Jannah drove in through to the car porch. "I feel like I'm driving into the house of a successful businessman in a Pakistani drama."

"Oh yeah, and a handsome guy is going to walk out, putting his sunglasses on and adjusting his collar, all shown in slow motion as wind ruffles through his hair." I giggled.

Life sometimes tends to be mocking us sometimes, because the moment I said that, the front door opened and my father-in-law walked out with his sunglasses on, holding his laptop bag. He smiled and spoke to Mamma, who was just behind him, clutching onto his other arm.

"Oops." I muttered as Jannah burst out laughing. 

My parents-in-law looked curious as they caught sight of the car, and as I stepped out, Mamma smiled widely. "Syra!"

I rushed towards them and hugged my mother-in-law tightly. "Assalam Alaikum!"

"Walaikum Assalam!" Both of them replied.

"Aina sonha sur...surprise?" Mamma looked uncertainly at Baba, just to see if she had gotten the word right.

*"What a lovely sur...surprise?"

Baba nodded, looking proud, before placing a hand over my head. "You should have told us you were coming, bachay. We would have come to the airport."

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