Chapter 13: Lost and Found

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You woke up with a slight headache. No one was in the room apart from you, Matsuda and L...
It frightened you to see him get so angry, the usual monotonous self went completely. This person was different, you couldn't blame him though. 'I mean, you'd be the same (y/n)' you though to yourself.
The love of your life, the man who hardly slept was in an arm chair in a deep slumber... 'How long was I asleep??'

"(Y/n)? You're awake!" Matsuda whispered walking over to you. "L is asleep, are you able to come outside quickly?" He asked. You was worried, he looked upset....

"Sure Matsu" you smiled, but inside you wanted to cry. You lifted yourself up out of the bed and walked to the door. Once outside you waited for matsuda to come out.
He steps out with slight hesitation. This made you really worried.

"(Y/n) there is no easy way to ask this, but do you remember your brother?"

You felt a sharp pain in your chest... How dare he ask about your brother? What, you hadn't heard from him in years, not since your step dad ran off and fled the country, taking Touta-his son with him..
"How the fuck do you know about my brother Matsuda?" You whispered, trying not to wake L up in the other room.
"(Y/n)..." Matsuda whispered while taking his police investigators identity out, he shakily handed it to you.
You looked at it, a pool of tears gathered in your eyes. 'Touta Matusda' it read
"Tou??" You looked up at your long lost brother. You lunged yourself at him and hugged his well built body tightly, god you missed your brother.

"(Y/n) I have missed you so much as soon as I was re united I knew it was you. I wish I couldn't told you sooner, but...Kira...I needed to protect you..."

"Tou, it doesn't matter, I'm just glad I've got you back. We must keep this secret, I think I know who kira is and him knowing we are siblings will put us both in danger"

"Good idea (y/n) now go back in there with L, he's needing you as much as you need him right now" and with that, Matsuda left, walking toward the head quarters.

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