Chapter 20: Cravings

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The morning sickness has subsided, thank god, but has been replaced by cravings. God... The cravings were strange. For some odd reason, you was constantly eating or wanting to stuff your face with pickles dipped in strawberry sauce?????


L always laughed at the ultimate bliss you had on your face when eating the weird combination of food. Let me tell you, your husband was gods gift, he would go out to the corner shop at 3 in the morning to get you your strawberry smothered pickles, just like he is right now...


"Yes- yes my little monster, you'll get your pickles soon" you say quietly, feeling the slightly painful kicks your baby was doing. This little so and so kept you up all night on occasions, you wished the due date would come faster.

You didn't know the gender of the baby yet, and you didn't care. Both you and L decided it would be a good idea to wait till the baby was born to find out the gender, Seeing as you would love yours and L's child exactly the same wether boy or girl.

Matsuda was certain it was gonna be a handsome nephew, where as Watari was hoping for a granddaughter.

"(Y/n) I got your pickles!" L shouts as he closes the front door, handing you your food. He sat down next to where you was, rubbing your swollen belly gently, occasionally leaning down and kissing it sweetly.


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