Chapter 10: 9 months later

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9 months later....

The Christmas holiday was the best time of your life.
You ate loads, spent loads of time with your amazing boyfriend, and all the kids you grew so close to in the home.
Things got serious, you and L moved in together, made a home of the apartment you bought, the investigation on kira is nearly at an end, L has nearly cracked it.

There was one thing bothering you though, L was acting weird.

After you two had got together he resisted your touch a lot more, his breath hitching every time you did so.

"What was going on with him? Doesn't he love me anymore." You whisper to your self, your eyes stinging and clouding up with tears, threatening to spew over the top and crash upon your cheeks.

"It's nothing, (y/n) I need you to stay away from light.... You here me?" He would constantly whisper, shout, say to you.

But fuck it, there was no way you'd listen, Light is hurting L in some way, and you needed to stop it.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~**~~*~*~*~*two days later~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
It's a Monday, a muggy hot Monday. The sun is at it's warmest yet, it's 8 o'clock and you're on your way to head quarters, even though you're technically banned by sir L himself. You needed to speak to light, you needed to see if it is him who is kira. You could tell that L has his suspicions. Constantly telling you to steer clear from him.
"Morning, Miss (y/n)" the security guard gleams at you. 'Well, L isn't that worried about me being here, or else he would've told the guards to keep me out' you think to yourself.
You make your way to the lift, click the button to the top floor, a declaration for a password pops up on the screen, of course,  can't have anti L's storming up there to assassinate him, or identify him.
'230956' you punch into the keys, your anxiety levels are rising. You haven't been here since Christmas, since L truly fell in love with you....
You walk into the lift, within seconds of stepping in, it shoots you up to the top floor. Your belly dropping, making you feel queasy. 'Ive never liked this elevator' you gag. Walking through the doors a shocked, happy Matsuda runs to the door, tackling you to the wall.
"(Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN)" he shouts. "IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH, WHERE THE FUC- FLUFFING HELL WERE YOU?!?" He squeezes, giving you a bone crushing hug. You'd grown close to matsuda since meeting L again. He was your best friend.
"I've been under strict orders of staying at home, by L himself....but please, don't tell him I'm here. I need to do something important, okay?" You say quietly. "Is" You whisper.
Matsuda catches on, leading you round the back, near a closet.
"I'm gonna get light over here okay? I won't tell a soul" he smiles, sweetly, and within seconds, is off, walking-no- running towards the room Light is in

This is gonna be one hell of a conversation....

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