Chapter 2 ~ pretty boy ~

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Tan woke up and stretched, smiling as he saw the sunshine streaming in through the window, the sun always made him feel happy. Glancing at his cell phone he saw the time was 6am, he was used to waking up early for photo shoots but today was different.

He was researching for an upcoming role and he was going to be shadowing a security guard 24/7, well as long as the guy would let him so he could get an idea of what it was like to actually be one.

He went to his bathroom and drew a warm bath pouring lavender scented bubbles into the water then he brushed his teeth, cleansed his face and applied a facial mask before gently lowering himself into the fragrant water.

After relaxing for about ten minutes he stood up and grabbed a fluffy white towel and patted himself dry  then wrapped it around his hips. He peeled off the mask and massaged the remaining serum into his skin then he walked into his kitchen and poured himself some juice.

Drinking the juice he went back the the bathroom and applied lavender body lotion to his skin then he wore charcoal grey pants and a crisp white shirt. He didn't know much about security guards but he did know they wore suits to work and he didn't want to look like a fool on his first day by turning up in jeans and a hoodie. 

Carrying the matching suit jacket, he went back into his kitchen and began to cut fruit for himself then sat checking his texts while eating. He admired his well manicured hands as he checked his messages, his nails weren't long but they were clean and well kempt, his hands moisturised.

He took care of himself, you had to in his chosen career but he still would anyway and he kept to a tight fitness regime and a strict diet. Another look at the clock told him it was time to set off to the KJ offices where his friend Paitoon had told him to go. 

He and Paitoon had worked together on and off over the past few years before and after the awful stalking incident, trust Paitoon to bag a macho military guy but he deserved every happiness after what he had been through.

Tan pouted when he thought about being single, how lovely it would be to have a special person. He had dated over the years, girls and a few guys but nothing serious, none of them had made his heart flutter and that's what he wanted, someone to make his heart flutter.

Tan had called his driver to take him to the company and then he grabbed his phone, shades and wallet and headed down to the parking garage in the hope that the driver would be there before or at the same time as him.

Luckily he saw the sprinter pulling into the garage just as he exited the elevator and the driver pulled up right beside him.

"good morning" he said to the driver as he climbed into the back.

"good morning Mr Tanwagaphatt, it's a beautiful day today" the driver replied.

"yes, it feels like it's going to be hot too" Tan said.

"are you looking forward to your research?" the driver asked making conversation.

"yes, I am but I don't think I'll be very brave if anything actually happens" he smiled.

"I don't think they would put you in harms way sir" the driver said.

"perhaps not but I kind of hope they do so I can get a better feel for it" Tan said.

The rest of the journey was completed in silence as Tan started to feel anxious, his heart was pounding with fear of the unknown. The driver drew up in front of a tall skyscraper and large letters on the side read KJ Industries.

"we have arrived sir, have a good day" the driver said operating the automatic door.

"thank you I hope I do, you have a good day too" Tan said.

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