Chapter 16 ~ day one ~

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~ Trigger Warning ~

~ non graphic mention of sexual harassment & non-consensual sex ~

Richie had no way of contacting Chai Son, it had always been the other guy who called him and he had told Richie that he would know when the drive had been inserted and that's when a bag full of cash would be delivered to an undisclosed safe place, Richie would get another call after the task had been completed informing him where the drop off would be.

He went home that night after dumping the drone and rc, it literally killed him to do so, he'd paid good money for that, money he could have paid towards his mothers treatment but in the long run he figured it was an investment. 

Unfortunately it was also evidence that he needed to dispose of so after cleaning it to get rid of any prints he drew up beside a quarry and dropped it over the edge watching as it smashed it's way to the bottom.

He hated living this way but he was in too deep now to back out and even if he did he would still need to find money for his mother. Why couldn't he have had a normal life, he couldn't blame his mother, it wasn't her fault, it was the bastard who had forced himself on her.

His sweet, innocent mother had found a job in a large house cleaning for a wealthy young actor and her parents had been so pleased for her to find work in such an affluent neighbourhood, not just that but working for a famous person too. They would boast and exaggerate to their friends how their daughter was his personal assistant

She had been provided with a uniform, a dark grey skirt with a matching jacket and a white shirt and she had felt so proud when she commuted to work every day because she drew people's gazes and she pretended she was an office worker in her smart suit and with her hair pinned back.

At just 18 years old she had been easy pickings for the 27 year old celebrity who had constantly flirted with her and sexually harassed her until one day she had found herself in a situation she couldn't get out of, a situation that the actor had manipulated for his own ends.

Fear had her making the decision to just allow him to hurry up and get it over with then she could leave and never go back. She had walked home that day with her head down afraid that everyone who looked at her would know she was spoiled.

Arriving home, her parents had seen the blood running down her legs but rather than hear her explanation they had beat her and told her to get out for bringing shame on their family. With just over 9,000.00 bht and a small bag full of clothes she had walked the streets until she had found a small room to rent.

It was just one room with a roll up mattress covered in stains but it was better than sleeping on the street. Richie's mother had laid on the mattress fully clothed and slept for two days straight before getting up, taking stock of her situation and venturing out to look for work.

Soon she found work in a cafe, they paid enough for her rent and she could take home stale bread and leftovers and little by little she had made that room into a passable home until she discovered she was pregnant. 

With no extra funds for healthcare she had struggled on and managed to find a crib that someone had thrown out. It would only need a clean and she could cover the nastiest parts with a blanket.

She scavenged baby clothes that people were throwing out, clothes that were stained or needed mending. She worked right up until the day her water broke and after cleaning up her mess she went home and gave birth alone in that room.

An elderly lady heard her cries and came in before showing her what to do and she used a clothes peg with a firm grip on the baby's umbilical cord and once everything was out that needed to come out the old lady told her to stay laid down while she brought her porridge, water and a couple of oranges.

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