Chapter 20 ~ second chances ~

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~ Trigger Warning ~

mild mention of suicide

Everyone gathered round the hospital bed visiting with Paitoon who had three cracked ribs and a broken nose. Chit was very angry with him for trying to take Owen down by himself but he was also very proud of him.

"I could have done it babe, if only I had managed to dodge the head butt" Paitoon said looking at Chit's face.

"your beautiful face, look what he did to you baby" Chit replied.

"it's ok, I'll heal, look at it this way, it's like a free nose job" Paitoon said.

"don't you dare change anything" Chit said.

"I'm just kidding babe' sheesh"

After a while, Paitoon began to get sleepy so everyone started leaving except Chit who would sleep on the sofa in the room.

"thank you Chit, for everything" Kiri said to his head of security as he was leaving.

"no worries Kiri, now go and sort that kid out, I know he did wrong but give him a chance" Chit said.

"it's going to be hard when what I really want to do is beat the crap out of him but yeah, I'll try and talk to him" Kiri agreed.

"again, what KJ said, thank you Chit, I can see now why Kiri chose you over me, you're damn good" Phil was the next to speak.

"not really, there are better people than me, unsung heroes, I just do what I have to do at the time and hope it doesn't all go tits up" Chit said.

"well anyway thank you, now I'm going to take Tan home to my place, thank you Paitoon for trying to help, call us if you need anything" Phil called out to the patient.

"you're welcome Phil, by Tan" 

"by 'toonie, rest well" Tan said.

Kiri and Kan arrived at one of the KJ warehouses which was empty except for a few pallets stacked with sacks of animal feed. It was cold and eerie and inside the office were several of Kiri's security guards keeping watch over Owen who was sitting at a table with his hands still cuffed.

"if you're gonna' kill me, just fucking do it" Owen spoke first.

"you've seen too many movies Owen, what makes you think I want to kill you?" Kiri said.

"come off it, I'd kill you given the chance, my dad's dead because of you"

"you're dad's dead because he knew you and your mother would find out about his gambling addictions and all of his other side hobbies, he was ashamed of himself" Kiri shouted.

"I don't believe you" Owen said.

"I have all the paperwork, you can read it whenever you like but like a fucking idiot I tried to shield you both from it" Kiri replied before adding,

"if I hadn't bought your father's company, someone else would have, you would have found out eventually then what, you would have gone after them? It's not my fucking fault that you're father committed suicide"

"so what now then?" Owen asked, beads of perspiration forming on his skin.

"if you are going to persist in this vendetta against me then I will call the police, I can get you on several charges, the top ones being assault, kidnapping and attempted murder, I can get you sent away for a long, long time ... how will your mother cope then, do you want to put her through that?" Kiri said.

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