Chapter 4 ~ no choice ~

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"I can't do it Chit, I cannot work with that man" Tan said.

"I know he's rough around the edges Tan but he is the best of my men, I wouldn't have placed you with him otherwise, trust me" Chit replied.

"it's not his unpolished manner that offends me, it's his constant insults, why only the other day he called me a whore" Tan stated indignantly.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it Tan, he likes to get a rise out of people" Chit said laughing.

"you weren't there, you didn't hear him" Tan said.

"no, I wasn't there but I'm a good judge of character"

"he also told me to stay away from Richie and that he was dangerous" Tan added.

"he's right, Richie is ... let's just say that Phil is correct" Chit said.

"then why do you keep him around if he's such a bad guy?" Tan asked.

"it's necessary for the time being, that's all you need to know" Chit replied.

"ok, he bruised me, is that enough evidence for you to assign me a different partner?" Tan stated

"he bruised you? did he hit you?" Chit asked.

"well no, not exactly" Tan replied

"then what happened?"

"it was when he called me a whore, I actually hit him then he pushed me against the wall and threatened me that if I ever did that again he would hit me back" Tan said.

"so, in essence, you hit him first and he was just holding you to prevent you from doing anything else except he was a bit heavy handed" Chit said.

"we're getting nowhere here are we?"

"what happened afterwards?" Chit asked him.

"nothing" Tan replied


"well ... he put some bruise ointment on my arms"

"hahaha, ok lesson number two Tan, if you've been captured and the people holding you are trying to provoke you it is imperative that you remain calm at all times no matter what they say, even if they insult your dear dead mother, you must remain impassive and vigilant" Chit said.

"why does it feel like you're always siding with him?" Tan pouted.

Chit sighed and picked up his phone then pressed the button for an extension,

"Phil, I need to see you now" Chit spoke down the line when Phil picked up.

"on my way"

Within minutes Phil walked through the door and surveyed the room,

"ah, I see the little pussy here has been hissing" he said.

"see what I mean Chit" Tan said

"what's the matter babe, you gonna cry?" Phil baited Tan

"Phil, enough, even I can see you're over doing it" Chit piped up.

"he's so easy though Chit" Phil replied.

"be that as it may, you can't keep sniping at the kid just because he's an easy target" Chit said.

"you keep calling me a kid Chit and I'm older than you" Tan inserted.

"well you don't act like it Tan" Chit observed.

"just because I'm not tough and macho like you guys" Tan said to both of them.

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