Chapter 3 ~ desire ~

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Phil clenched his fists as he strode away from the new guy, he felt guilty for abandoning him in the middle of the corridor but that feeling didn't last for too long, not when he recalled what the little shit had said.

What? I have to pay people to have sex with me? I'd like to bet I could have him naked and moaning beneath me within minutes if I so desired, Phil thought to himself then wondered why he would even consider such a thing.

Fine, he knew he'd provoked the kid but he'd been pissed off since Chit told him about it yesterday. Losing the chance of a promotion and having to take orders from a guy who was five years his junior was one thing but then having to look after a celebrity was just as frustrating.

Consequently he'd come into the office in a mean and moody frame of mind and he had walked into Chit's office with the intention of being cold and indifferent with the actor.

Phil had walked in and heard the kid calling himself an idiot so he had used it as an excuse to insult him right off the bat. When the kid had turned around and looked at him, he'd seen him flinch slightly.

Phil knew he often appeared scary and aggressive, yes kid, be afraid, be very afraid he'd thought to himself as Chit had told him to take no notice and made the introductions then the kid had turned to face him again with a beaming smile on his face and his hand outstretched.

For a fraction of a second, Phil had found it hard to breath as if someone had punched him in the gut. The kid was actually really cute, more than cute he was what some might call attractive with smooth clear skin and prominent cheekbones, eyes the colour of burnt sugar and bow shaped lips that looked glossy and inviting.

Phil mentally shook himself not wanting to feel those things and ignoring Tan's hand he'd turned back to Chit then after a calming waft of lavender had assaulted his nasal passages he'd insulted the kid again.

The newbie was cute and had smelled so good that Phil was glad of the excuse to walk away before he embarrassed himself with his growing hard on but unfortunately he didn't have time to go and rub one out.

Taking a few deep breaths he got himself under control before entering the staff room from a different entrance, it would be amusing to see how long it took the newbie to find his way here. Nodding to his colleagues he grabbed a cup of coffee from the kitchenette and walked over to a window where he stood and sipped his drink while waiting for the show to begin.

Back in the corridor, Tan looked around wondering where to go, he decided his best plan of action was to keep walking in the direction where they had been heading before the guy called Phil had walked off.

He passed several doors which didn't look as if they led to a staff room then came to a larger door which looked promising so he gingerly turned the handle and walked inside. As he entered he saw a very handsome man with long hair sitting on a sofa with his legs crossed in front of him.

He had pulled off his tie and opened a few buttons as if he had just come in from being out all night and he looked up when he saw Tan enter.

"can I help you" the man said.

"oh, hi, I'm sorry to bother you, I'm looking for the staff room, someone was supposed to be taking me there but they left" Tan replied.

"are you the new guy?" the man asked.

"I guess so, my name is Tan, Tawan Tanwagaphatt" Tan said holding out his hand.

The man leaned over and took his hand to shake in greeting and gave a small smile, 

"I'm Richie, Richie Wachittisam, a pleasure to meet you" the man said.

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