Chapter 13 ~ I missed you ~

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Chit quickly took Mina up to the next floor where KJ WebHosting was situated and then entered the dimly lit offices.

The pair walked up and down the aisles which contained a myriad of servers and while they did Mina scanned the area looking where the security cameras were situated, she seemed to be interested in one particular area.

Mina took a quick walk through once more to double check and came back to the same area,

"this is it, this is a blind spot" she said waving her arms around.

"can you message Phil and ask him if he can see us?"

"sure" Chit said as he called Phil.

"boss?" Phil picked up the call.

"can you see us on the monitors for floor 59?"

"just one sec' boss, I'm accessing all the cameras" Phil said.

" ... nope, can't see you" Phil replied.

"ok, I'll let you know when we are out of here" Chit said hanging up.

"no, he can't see us at all"

"right so this is where he will try to do it" Mina said.

"it being? ..."

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"our suspect isn't intelligent enough to mess around with these servers, I'm guessing his accomplice has given him something, maybe a thumb drive which he will need to insert here to allow the other guy to access the data"

"you are good Mina, given half the chance I'd try to get you to come and work for us" Chit said.

"sorry but my boss wouldn't let me go" she smiled while pulling a tiny magnetic camera away from the button of her shirt and pulling a handkerchief out of her pocket.

Mina looked around the walls before placing the camera strategically after dusting it with the cotton square so the security dogs wouldn't be able to smell her scent. Pulling out a small tablet she accessed the camera to make sure it was working then handed the device to Chit.

"there you go, that's about all I can do for you to be honest" Mina said.

"that's plenty, so now we just station him in here and wait, if we are wrong, that's great but if we are right, we catch him and hopefully find out who his accomplice is" Chit said.

"ok, we've been in here about twenty minutes, I think we should head out" Mina said.

"yep, and thank you again Mina, are you sure you wouldn't like to come work for us, KJ is very generous" Chit was practically begging.

"nope sorry, I love my work and as much as Gunny and Lam piss me off my day's wouldn't be the same without them" she said smiling.

Chit called Phil and told him they were heading out and that he was taking his 'cousin' for coffee and Phil said he was going to go back to his office when Khem came back and he would do a little work to make it look good, he asked Chit to say goodbye to Mina for him before ending the call.

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