Chapter 10 ~ planning ~

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"I'm sorry about last night Phil" Tan said as they travelled to work in Phil's car.

"don't worry about it Tan" Phil smiled.

"I don't know what happened?" Tan added, embarrassed.

"a belly full of pasta and good wine is what happened, you obviously needed the sleep" 

Phil thought back to the events of the previous evening, the dinner had gone perfectly and then they had both decided to wash the dishes together before going to sit on the sofa and listen to a little music.

Tan had sat beside Phil and after about ten minutes Phil he'd realised that he had fallen asleep so he had gently picked him up and carried him into the bedroom then after tucking him under the covers Phil had dimmed the lights and returned to the living room.

Tan couldn't remember much of anything, he had sat on the sofa with Phil after doing the dishes and then woken up in bed this morning. He was pretty sure nothing had happened though, surely he would know if it had?

When they arrived at the offices, Phil quickly parked the car and they made their way up to his office then after checking everyone's schedules he put Tan on duty with another guard where they would monitor the main entrance.

Phil was trying to give him different jobs every day so he got a taste of everything and he had been giving him the boring and monotonous jobs first before working up to guarding the VVIP's.

Tan dropped his bag below the hook on the wall which had become his improvised locker and changed into the black security gear before asking Phil for his weapon which he kept locked in his drawer then he went off to take his position in the lobby.

Tan had whined the other day about it being slave labour but nevertheless he still continued to do everything that was asked of him without serious complaint which surprised Phil considering that he was working full shifts and not getting paid for them, he wasn't at all how Phil had imagined he would be.

Looking at the schedules he saw that the VVIP called JJ hadn't requested Richie again, maybe the kid was bored of his company? he called Richie's office and waited for him to pick up ... 


"Richie, Phil here"

"Phil, what's up?"

"I see that JJ hasn't requested you again? is anything wrong?" Phil asked.

"I think he just wanted a change of scenery" Richie laughed.

"so how do you feel about a few days monitoring the surveillance equipment?" Phil asked him.

"if that's what you want me to do though I wouldn't mind something a bit more brain taxing" Richie said.

"just do a few days in there and let's see how you go" Phil suggested.

"please give me something where I'm not going to want to fall asleep next?" Richie hinted.

"I'll see what comes up, can't promise" Phil said.

Phil liked to work on a rota system so all the guards were proficient in every job but he had a pretty good idea where Richie wanted to be placed and he'd been working his way up to it so it didn't look too obvious. 

He decided to go and discuss it with Chit before going ahead with any plans. Putting a call though to Chit's office he asked him if he had ten minutes to spare?

"yep, you want me to come to you?"

"no, I'll come to you, I want to make sure the corridor is clear" Phil said before hanging up.

Beloved Burden - MileApoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang