Chapter 9 ~ Italian night ~

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After work, Phil drove Tan to his place to grab some clean clothes then Phil dropped by the market to buy a few ingredients, unfortunately the meal he was planning wasn't exactly fit for people on a diet but he hoped Tan would at least try the food. 

His great, great grandfather had been Italian and his recipes had been handed down and even though both his parents had been Thai he still had Italian blood He could remember cooking with his parents when he was younger, those were some of his happiest memories. 

After purchasing everything he needed the pair went back to his place and Phil offered Tan the use of the bathroom first.

Tan went to get washed up and then Phil followed and after dressing comfortably, Phil made him sit while he began preparing their dinner. He had decided to make linguine with calamari in a white sauce for their main course so Phil quickly made a batch of fresh pasta.

He had asked Tan if he was allergic to seafood beforehand and luckily he was good with most things. 

Phil allowed the fresh dough to sit while he prepared pinza di pane, a wonderful italian bread pudding with figs and sultanas, he would serve it with crème fraîche.

Dean would be pissed if he knew he was missing this meal but Phil could freeze the leftover bread pudding at least. He offered Tan a glass of wine but he only had dry white and rosé so Tan chose rosé.

Once the bread pudding was baking, Phil cut chunks of bread and prepared fruit and a small selection of cured meats and olives and presented them on a small wooden slab as the first course then he set the table quickly and they sat for a while chatting, drinking wine and picking at the antipasti.

"wow, this looks amazing Phil, and you had the gall to offer me pot noodles the other night" Tan teased the chef who shrugged in response.

"my menu is loaded with calories but we can hit the gym tomorrow" Phil said, even so, Tan only ate the tiniest amount of bread with a taste of the meats focusing mostly on the fruit. 

"do you speak Italian then?" Tan asked when Phil told him about his great great grandfather.

"sì tesoro, parlavo molto italiano con i miei genitori ma ora lo uso solo con mio fratello ... yes baby, I use to speak Italian a lot with my parents but now I only use it with my brother"

"now you're just showing off" Tan said while thinking how sexy Phil had sounded.

"my full name is Fillipo and Dean's is Dino, my parents thought it was kind of romantic having Italian blood so they named me after my great great, grandfather and Dino  was my great grandfather and then we all polished up on our Italian"

"Fillipo is a beautiful name, so romantic, why don't you use it?" Tan asked.

"it's easier to go by Phil rather than explaining to everyone I meet" Phil laughed.

"I guess you're right"

"excuse me while I see to our main course" Phil said going into the kitchen and boiling water for his home made linguine after he rolled out the dough and sliced the thick, flat strings of pasta before stir frying the finely diced onion, garlic and green chilli. 

He added the linguine to the boiling water then scooped out the cooked veg' before making a white sauce using the oil, flour and milk and after draining the pasta he threw the calamari into the sauce, it didn't need long or it would turn rubbery.

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