Chapter 5 ~ annoying ~

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"so what's next?" Tan asked after Phil had helped him with the dishes.

"excuse me?" Phil said.

"what do you normally do after dinner?"

"I just listen to music and enjoy a cold beer" Phil shrugged.

"great, let's do that then" Tan said anxious to learn what his tastes were.

Grabbing the last two bottles of singha from the fridge, Phil popped them and handed one to Tan before walking into the other room to turn on his sound system and classical music filled the air.

They both clinked the bottles and sipped their beer while listening to the soft music.

"I would have never taken you for a lover of classical music Phil" Tan said.

"I would have never guessed you could cook" Phil replied.

" touché" Tan reluctantly admitted.

Phil reclined his head and closed his eyes and Tan studied his face while he had the opportunity. He looked so different at rest, more approachable and one might say almost handsome.

They both continued to listen to the music while Tan finished his beer then he turned to Phil loath to disturb him.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but where is my room?" Tan asked.

"the one next to the bathroom" Phil replied, his eyes still closed.

"but ... isn't that your room?"

"yeah, I only have one bedroom" Phil said.

"you could have mentioned that before I came here" Tan said.

"don't worry about it, I usually sleep out here anyway"

"well, that explains a lot"

"what do you mean" Phil said opening his eyes.

"it explains why you're always grumpy, you need to get a proper night's sleep" Tan counselled him.

"you sound like my brother" Phil smiled.

"I'd like to meet him sometime, he sounds like a good kid" Tan replied.

"he is, despite having a grumpy bastard like me for a brother ... go to bed Tan" Phil said closing his eyes again.

"goodnight then" Tan said.


Tan stood up and took his empty bottle to the kitchen then as he passed though the living room to go into the bedroom he noted that Phil had dimmed the light and turned the music low but he remained in the same position with his feet propped up on the coffee table, he really couldn't work the guy out.

Tan went into Phil's bedroom and pulling back the covers he slipped into the bed, he didn't understand why anyone would sleep on their sofa when they had such a comfortable bed, not that he wanted Phil in bed beside him, no way but the guy was a contradiction in terms.

He seemed to cast a false image of himself whilst hiding his better qualities and it was obvious he loved his brother very much. Tan could understand why his brother was worried about him but it was nothing to do with him, he shouldn't get too involved.

Flipping the lamp off he sank down and closed his eyes, he could faintly hear the music from the other room but it wasn't loud enough to bother him. They would be at his place tomorrow and he had a spare bedroom so Phil had no excuse, he was determined to get him into bed.

Realising what he had just thought he shook his head to rid his mind of the image then when he opened his eyes again he was surprised to see sunlight peeping through the black out curtains. A quick look at his phone told him it was 6.45am so he went to the bathroom to wash up quickly then dressed for another day at the KJ offices.

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