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"You're sure this is right, aren't you?" Michael asked.

Christian heard Casey hesitate for a moment, shifting her wheels on the soft dirt of the open lot they had chosen for their wedding. "Of course."

She hadn't been trying to listen in on them. But wasn't it her business, when her daughter seemed unsure of herself? It's maybe a little too late now, though. She's already so pregnant with his baby. There would be a little red car rolling around the main facility any day now. So maybe they decided to get married on a whim because of that baby. Lots of couples do, and what's to say it won't work out?

"What are you worried about?" Robert asked, rolling up to her.

"Nothing," Christian answered, feeling certain now.

"Mike's a good kid," Robert said softly, nudging her with his wheel, then leading her to the outskirts of the crowd. "He doesn't have any ill intentions."

What about Casey? Christian suddenly asked herself, immediately feeling stupid for it. She's my daughter. I raised her right. Or, did CV raise her? And CV was absent through a lot of her growing up.


All Christian's worries faded towards the end of the wedding. After all, there was no turning back now.

She watched Michael introduce Casey to his family. His mother and father were both Ford pickups; his mom white, and his dad red. Christian noticed his mother's state official license plates right away. One of Michael's brothers looked just like him despite his silvery color; the other could have been the spitting image, other than his company decals.

Robert had seemed to take an interest in the silver truck, (James) whose owner did contracting not far from the housing authority. The other brother worked for a landscaping and construction business just a town over, and Chloe was chattering away to him now.

Christian rolled over to Rose, who had George practically glued to her side. "You think they're good for each other, right?"

"Of course," Rose replied, shaking George off.

"Uh... where's Oliver?" she wondered. Was that too much?

"He couldn't make it." She bounced her springs nonchalantly.

Christian glanced at George. "Where's Kimberly?"

"With the kids," George answered, flicking his gaze to a little crowd that consisted of Kimberly, Blade, Thor, Easton, and Karina.

George and Rose should have just gotten married. But, that's not my problem to worry about.

"So, you're having your second grandchild soon," giggled Rose. "How does that feel?"

Christian tensed her springs. "I don't know when I ever got this old."

"Hey," snorted George. "You're both still young ladies. I take offense to that, being among the oldest in the fleet."

Christian stared at him. I remember when he was barely more than a kid.

Rose huffed. "If you'd stop ruining your brakes, and tires, and-"

"Come on, it's not that bad. I still have some tread left."

Christian could see that Casey was approaching now. She looks worn out. Her headlights still held their glow, but there was warmth rolling off her engine.

"Hey," she chirped, sliding in beside them.

"Have I congratulated the new bride yet?" George asked. "Mike's gonna treat you right. He better, or else-"

Rose thumped him with her wheel. "Congratulations, Casey. We're all happy you and Michael have decided to settle down together."

Casey glanced from George to Rose slowly, confusion glimmering in her gaze. "Thanks," she said, turning to her mom. "I feel worn out, and heavy," she said with a giggle. "And nervous. Is that normal?"

"It's all normal." Christian tapped her daughter with a wheel. "Don't stress about it."

"Thanks Mom." She appeared to look her over for a second. "Hey, you said George guessed you were Christian?" She flicked her gaze to the old Chevy truck. "And he was right?"

"Yes," Christian replied, shifting her wheels. "Why?"

"She's acknowledging my genius, of course," chuckled George. "Nah. It was just a wild guess."

"I was curious." Casey was still staring at George. "Why you? You knew, and my dad didn't? And her family didn't?"

George turned his wheels back and forth before responding. "I know Rose," he said slowly. "I know her really well, and you may think it's irrelevant, but Christian is her twin sister. So, when her serial number is only a digit off, and she's got that similar laugh, and the way she paws at the dirt with her wheels."

Christian glanced at Rose. She couldn't tell if her sister was besotted, or if she wanted to give George a smack.

"And I never allowed myself to believe it because it seemed crazy at first," George went on.

And because I, a different version of me, told you I would tell everyone about your unfaithfulness if you did, Christian thought. But, it wasn't her business, and her loyalty to Rose kept her silent.

"I never was a believer in that sort of thing," George said with a sigh. "Fate, and fairy tales, and true love, and afterlife. It all sounds like a load of crap. But I think I've changed over the years, and a little part of me might believe in something." He shuffled his wheels, glancing at Rose.

Rose pulled away, and Christian instantly realized why when Kimberly came rolling over. "George, our Thor is such a-" She cut off her words when she spotted Rose, giving her a hard stare before slipping between her and George. "Thor and Blade, they're both so different these days. Casey, you ought to go talk with them for a bit. I think they miss you."

"Of course." Casey rolled off.

Christian let out a little sigh. Finally, everything is perfect. At least, with her and most of her family. What Rose did wasn't going to set her in a bad mood.

She glanced around the crowd. That Cassie! Where is she? She's been laying low this whole wedding. She didn't seem to be talking with Bryan anymore, and hadn't in awhile. But, she'll find someone. 

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