Chapter 24

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Cassie pressed up to Michael, bracing herself against the feeling of the ocean breeze. It wasn't like the wind back in the city, and it carried a funny odor that almost reminded her of the smell of some of the aliens. Cassie's dad had been hesitant about leaving the main facility, and all the TS Zones, without a single guard, especially since they were going about an hour away. But, Casey had invited everybody to her wedding.

Bryan should have stayed back anyway, Cassie thought. He looked pretty miserable, and had clung to his brother's side like a burr. She had to ask herself whether Bryan had had something for Casey at one point too; why else would he be acting quiet and drawn back at her wedding? At least Audrey seems fond of his presence. Her and Michael's daughter had been twirling around him the whole time, blabbering away to him in what sometimes sounded like nonsense. He had listened eagerly, though. Too bad Casey didn't want him. He would make a good dad. A much better one than Jerry, at least. Cassie wasn't sure she'd seen him interact with Skid and Drift once this whole time, though he had watched them from afar. Do they even recognize him as their dad? They seemed much more drawn to Michael, John, even. Basically any other guy in the fleet would be more qualified to be the male role model in those kids' lives. I almost feel bad for Casey, but she got herself into this mess.

"Don't you find it odd how- mmph," Michael grunted as Omaira thumped herself into his wheel. "You're getting way too big for that, Omi."

Cassie gave her niece a disdainful look. "Go bludgeon your weight into George instead," she warned. "He absolutely loves it. What were you saying, Mike?"

Omaira hadn't listened; she was twirling around him now.

"Oh, I just think it's weird how none of Jerry's family seem to be Mustangs." Micheal glanced around.

"He must be adopted," Bryan broke in. "Him and his twin brother."

"Twin brother?" Cassie asked, following Bryan's gaze. She spotted another Mustang just like Jerry, except this one was black. "How did they go about adopting him, then?"

"I dunno." Bryan bounced his springs. "It's just a guess. Maybe they knew his parents. I mean; they're both SUVs. There's no way they created a Mustang, and a high performance one at that."

"Mhm." Michael shifted his wheels.

"Mommy's got married," Omaira piped up, skidding to a halt in front of Michael.

"I'm well aware," he replied teasingly.

"But not to you." Her little headlights darkened. "Mommies and Daddies are meant to get married. Are you really my Daddy?"

"Of course," he replied, giving her an affectionate nuzzle with his tire. "Sometimes, things just don't work out the way they should, Omi. But that's okay. I still love you the same."

"Are you gonna marry Auntie Cass?" She glanced at Cassie.

Cassie tensed, awaiting Michael's reply.

"Maybe one day," he answered.

"Oh." She shifted her wheels. "Will Auntie Cass be my mommy then?"

"No, no. Your mommy will always be your mommy, no matter what. And Cass will always be your auntie."

"And you'll always be my daddy?" she asked, giggling.

"Of course."

"Okay!" She spun around, seemingly having lost all interest, and skidded away.

Cassie shifted her wheels on the sand covered pavement. "That talk wasn't as difficult as some would make it out to be," she murmured.

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