Chapter 6

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"Why do you even believe Cassie's lies?" Casey demanded. "You know just as well as I that she's dishonest, and jealous, and bitter!"

Michael wouldn't meet her gaze. "And what if I sort of suspected you anyways, before Cassie said anything?"

"You're kidding me!" Tightness made its way through her intake, choking her. "I've been nothing but honest, and loyal to you. You can't even believe my word over my sister's!"

"Why else would you be sneaking off without me, if there was something about me you didn't like? Something I lacked, that someone else could give you, maybe?" His tone was cold.

"That's not the case." Casey didn't know how she managed to keep herself together, but she kept focusing on the tension in her springs, rather than the heartbroken feeling inside, and it seemed to work.

"Fine," Michael snorted. "But I'm not giving up." He turned to face her, headlights glowing coldly. "I'm setting things aside for now, since we have a little daughter whose life we could ruin by splitting apart right now. But, don't think I've forgotten about anything."

It's all over for me. "When will you realize that Cassie's only ambition is to ruin my life? And I hate her for it!" Cold rage made her tense suspension burn.

Michael remained steady on his wheels. "Prove to me that nothing happened back there, prove to me that you're innocent, and I'll believe you."

"I can't!" she snapped. "Prove to me that I'm guilty." That'll show him.

"For now, I just have Cassie's word." He turned back to his computer screen. "You should probably finish cleaning this floor."

He's still that spiteful, cocky young man he was when I first started falling for him, and, oh, I hate him as much now as I did then! How was it possible to hate someone she loved so much?

"Your dad said not to be in here long," Michael continued. "If you started cleaning instead of staring at me, that would probably work in your favor."

"Shut up!" she hissed, turning away. "You're ridiculous, and stupid, and the biggest know-it-all I've ever met." She rolled the rag beneath her wheel, scrubbing hard at the floor beneath her.

"You don't mean that."

He's still going on! "Where do your loyalties lie, Mike, if you believe my jealous sister over me? You know she's wanted you from the very beginning. She thinks I took you from her."


She had to turn around to look at him again, and maybe smack him for what she thought was a witty remark. But, she realized his headlights were clouded now with just a little confusion. He's stupid to have not realized.

"Maybe you should have gotten with Cassie to start with, to save me the heartbreak."

"Don't be silly." His gaze softened.

She turned the other way, and started scrubbing again. And maybe, I should have just tried things out with Bryan. He's so much more sincere! The poor young truck was terrified of being alone, so much so that he had made a deal with her: if they were both single by the time her dad hired again, they'd get together. And I agreed to it. Right now, it was looking like Casey may be single again, in the near future. She shivered. I was young, and impulsive, and I made rash decisions when it came to Mike. Not that he's terrible or anything, but he's bad enough if he can't believe me over my sister!

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