Chapter 3

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"I thought it would be Casey cleaning this place out for me this morning." Michael wouldn't meet Cassie's gaze. "That's funny."

I'm not going to tell him I specifically asked Dad if I could do this job. "Well, boss's orders," she mumbled, scrubbing away at the floor.

"You're doing good so far." He was rolling back and forth on his wheels now, glancing around the confines of the inspection garage. "You think this place is being used as much as your dad would've hoped?"

"Well, things fail on old trucks all the time," she replied. "And most of the fleet is pretty old." She giggled. Now, for the flattery. "I have to say, he couldn't have chosen a better truck to do fleet inspections. You're very professional, when needed, and, gosh, you're so smart."

The pickup turned the other way; she could make out his side mirrors twitching slightly. "My professionalism is nothing new."

"I know, I know, you're an unprofessional professional. But, I give credit where it's due." Is it working? Does he like me any more now? Cassie didn't want to hurt her sister. She didn't want to break up what seemed to be a happy family. She just needed some sort of endearing male presence in her life, and Bryan simply couldn't fulfill her needs. Plus, he's been pretending I don't exist lately. I'm not going to help him any more than I need to, when it comes to cleaning that stinky building.

Michael hadn't acknowledged her last remark; rather he was staring at the big hydraulic lift on one side of the garage, as if it were the most interesting thing he'd ever seen. I'm just making this awkward, aren't I? Maybe he'd be more interested if I was talking about Casey!

"Mike," she continued, moving a little closer to him.

"Yeah?" He still wouldn't look at her.

"How's Casey doing lately? That Omaira is such a handful, and she doesn't have the time to talk to me anymore."

"Hmm." Michael bounced his springs. "She's off on her own from time to time," he explained. "Eh, I guess, so am I, considering I have to be here at Zone 2 often, and Omaira can't come with me, of course. I guess she needs her alone time just as much as anyone. But, that child is a handful, definitely." He chuckled fondly.

So I'm getting somewhere. He's suspicious of Casey, or not happy about her going off on her own. "Where does Casey go, when she's alone?" Cassie ventured carefully. "She never bothered to invite me."

"Really?" Finally, he met her gaze. "I think she could do with some sisterly bonding, but..." He bounced his springs again as his voice trailed off. "She never tells me where she's going. Just out for drives, I guess. Probably the golf course or something. That's where all us fleet trucks go when we need some space."

It sounds like maybe he's trying to convince himself. I ought to follow her one of these days. "How long has she been doing this for? Since Omaira was born, maybe?"

"Not really. Maybe over the last week or two. But, hey, it's not my business, I guess. She's found an outlet for her stress, I suppose, and there's nothing wrong with that."

"But you have a right to know." Cassie moved even closer to him. "You two aren't just dating, or even boyfriend and girlfriend. She's your wife. If I had a husband, and he was going off on his own, I'd want to know every little detail. Look at Rose and George, for example."

"Rose and George?" He stared at her, mock confusion making his headlights glimmer.

Mike's smart. He'd have figured it out by now. "You don't want to be like Oliver. Or Kimberly." She bounced her springs dismissively. "That's none of my business, of course."

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