Chapter 13

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Robert rolled into the security building, stopping at the end. "Hey Bryan."

"Hey, Robert." He turned to look at him.

"What's on the schedule for tomorrow?" Sundays are work days for me, too, even if it only involves planning. How long had he been fleet manager for now? It's been five years already, hasn't it?

"It looks like it'll be a light week, luckily. There's no snow in the forecast, though there are some indoor repairs that need to be addressed due to flooding. The workers will probably solve all that on their own, and they'll pick the transportation."

"Right." He sounds like Darryl now, which is a good thing. He's professional.

"So, not much to worry about for this week, not yet, at least." Bryan shifted his wheels. "There is something I would like to talk to you about, though."

"Yes, Bryan?" Don't tell me it has something to do with my girls getting into trouble again.

"I know you know about Casey and Micheal by now, as does everyone." The glare of his headlights flicked around nervously.

"Yes." And I don't want to think about it. "I think they just rushed into things, but it's not the fault of either of them. There were a lot of misunderstandings, and they realized they just weren't compatible. That's how Casey explained it to me."

"Robert, let me just get to my point." Bryan met his gaze now. "She told me a couple things about this guy she might have been close to; one of the muscle cars who's involved in those street races."

"Yes?" Unease made Robert's paintwork prickle.

"I'm not sure he's a good guy, based on what she told me about him. Now, I could be wrong, and Casey hasn't gone back to see him, anyways, to my knowledge. I just wanted you to know that." He paused. "Obviously, Casey's a grown adult who makes her own decisions – that's fine. But I understand how protective of a dad you are, and it's a good thing. I just wanted to make you aware."

So many words. "Thank you, Bryan. She hasn't gone back there since then, that I know of. And I'll make sure she doesn't. I don't want her ending up with a guy who does illegal street races, anyways." He snorted.

"That's what I thought. No need to tell her I said anything, though."

"Of course not." So, I guess I can enjoy the rest of my Sunday now. "You can head back to the main facility, or do whatever you want, you know," he said as he turned around. "I'm not gonna hold you here."

"I know, Robert. I was just checking on everything. I'll be back soon."


Robert headed down the hall, past the rows of dinkemort enclosures. They sprung up against the clear walls as he passed. We'll probably start breeding those again soon. There were a few empty enclosures that could be filled.

It was cold and wet outside, but the clouds were finally becoming more sparse, so a little sun was able to peek through. Robert was looking forward to springtime, when the workers would take the heavy salt spreader out of his dump. It's causing me to rust a lot, too, he thought.


"Look, Grampa, look!" cried Omaira, veering to skid into a puddle.

Just like Rita would have done.

"Robert, we need another," whispered Christian who sat beside him.

"Aren't we too old to be having kids when we already have grandchildren?"

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