Chapter 4

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"You never told me you had a sister," muttered the orange Mustang who Casey sat beside. "A twin sister?"

Casey felt her side mirrors grow hot. "Why did you follow me here, Cassie?" she hissed.

"Because I had to find out what was going on! And I'm glad I know now. What is this? A street race? Is this even legal?"

"Of course it's not legal," chuckled the Mustang beside her.

Casey gave her newfound friend a thump with her wheel before turning back to her sister. "It's not like I'm doing anything wrong," she said. "I just watch them, anyways. Lots of cars do. It's not like I can race."

"Hmm," Cassie snorted. "Everyone's still gonna hear about this."

"Really?" They can't! What would Dad think? What would Michael think?

"I bet your new friend here," Cassie flicked her gaze at Jerry, the orange Mustang, "doesn't know you have a husband, either."

"Well, I knew she was seeing someone," Jerry broke in.

"But she didn't tell you she was married? And she has a daughter. One she should be spending time with, rather than hanging out here with a bunch of criminals. Come on, Casey. We're going home and I'm telling Dad everything in the morning."

"Maybe I won't come back, then." Casey's pistons sped up. Maybe I'd be better off starting a new life somewhere else, and never going back to the housing company. It's all too much for me. And poor Omaira, I know I'm not good enough for her. I should have just waited!

"You're ridiculous," Cassie huffed. "And you're going to learn what it feels like to be the bad guy for once."

Casey dragged herself meekly after her sister. She's totally ridiculous. She realized she would have to lie to everyone about what had been going on. But I'll look stupid contradicting everything Cassie says! How was it that, even as an adult, Cassie still found ways to get her in trouble?

"She won't be coming back," Cassie hissed to Jerry as they rolled by him.

But this is the one distraction I have from all the chaos back home. Casey had only been coming to these races a few days out of the week; they always held them somewhere different, and tried to do so in the least obvious way possible. But, Cassie had still followed her, and found her. How stupid could she be?

"There is one way out of this," said Cassie as they headed onto a different road.

"What?" Casey snapped. "Knowing you, it's probably some twisted form of manipulation-"

"You could just hand Michael over to me. At this point, he'd probably be thankful for it. Look at the poor guy; his wife is sneaking off to be with a bunch of muscle cars, and he has no idea. I bet they're all over you-"

"Shut up! It's not like that." No doubt, some of them look at me with lustful, drunken headlights, but I'd never reciprocate their feelings. Therefore I'm not doing anything wrong!

"Keep telling yourself that, Casey. Let's see if you can convince poor Mike." She paused as they rolled around a slippery bend. "So, what do you think about my deal? You just have to divorce him. You can still raise the kid together – not that she'd care; she's a little terror – and I'm sure Mike would go for me as soon as he was free of you and your psycho ways. You're basically Mom before her battery died and she found out she was Christian. You're going crazy just like her. I mean, you're basically cheating on your hus-"

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