Chapter 19

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"Move," growled Michael, shoving past a few of the others.

Cassie slid in beside Casey to see what was going on. "What's happening?"

Casey bounced her springs. "Kimberly looked really exhausted, and her engine sputtered and then kind of... stalled? Something's wrong with her."

Cassie noticed Michael nudging Kimberly softly, and saying a few things she couldn't make out.

"She needs to cool down," he muttered, turning to face the expectant trucks.

"But her engine's been off for like, half an hour now!" Casey spoke up.

"Doesn't matter." Michael wouldn't meet her gaze. "Hey, does anybody know where the hell her husband is?"

Cassie shuddered. Where is George? She searched the crowd for the familiar Chevy truck, but the only Chevys to be seen were Carol and Edward.

"His junk patrol was finished an hour ago," snorted her dad.

"I know," Michael retorted. "I was part of it."

"And you didn't see where he went?" John broke in.

"You were part of it, too," Michael hissed accusingly.

"This isn't helping," Bryan spoke up, trembling.

He always was such a nervous wreck.

"We need to clear some of these trucks out of here, so I can think straight," Michael ordered. "Bryan, back to Zone 1."

"But I-"

"Go on," her dad prompted.

Good, Cassie thought as the young pickup rolled dejectedly away.

"So nobody's going to bother searching for George?" Carol's voice rose up.

"Who knows where he could be, Ma?" Edward hissed.

"No, I don't think this is right." Carol approached Michael. "You're not going to even try to find her husband? Goodness knows he shouldn't be disappearing like this while she's so pregnant-"

"Exactly," Michael interrupted. "He's not stupid, and he's not oblivious to the fact that she was going to give birth any day now. But, he is careless and easily distracted. I don't think he had ill intents, but he'll be the only one suffering in the end if he misses out on the birth of his baby."

"But what about Kimberly?" Carol went on. "Won't she want him here?"

Since when did you care? Cassie's side mirrors burned. Who was she, to challenge Michael like this?

"Part of my job here in the fleet is caring for our cars when they need it, and I'll do that however I see fit," Michael explained.

"Carol," Robert finally broke in. "Why don't you, Ed, and Rose go into your garage, and we'll tell you if anything happens?"

"Fine then." Carol turned around. "Edward, Rose. Let's go."

Cassie heard a snort from Edward. "Where is Rose? Did she come back?"

Carol whirled around again. "Come to think of it, I... I don't know." She turned to Robert. "Did she?"

Robert bounced his springs. "There are too many of you; I don't keep tabs on each one after work hours. Michael, I wish you the best of luck with Kimberly. Let me know if anything changes."

"Yes," spoke her mother, who had been silent most of the time. She turned and followed her dad to the double garage.

"Rose and George are both missing!" Cassie hissed, easing closer to Casey.

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